Anonymous ID: 76694b Feb. 20, 2020, 2:03 a.m. No.8193229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[DS] CRYPTOJEWS… like it or not


re SHASU-Hebrew wanderers = NERGALS of Cutha (Iraq) = KHAZARS/ SABBATEANS/ YOUNG TURKS from Old Turan (Persia & Central Asia)


1883 JGR Forlong – Rivers of Life…



(cf) The Sons of the Serpent Tribe… MASONIC…

= [DS] Ophites

= [DS] KnightTemplars

= [DS] Sufi #Assassins






re Akkad Cyclopean Canaanite/ Hitto-Phoenician/ Celtic etc [DS] Royalty & European & wider-Black Nobility…


Faction 1: House of Orange (Lion) 🦁 = ancient Macedon/ Illyrium



Caveat: [DS] scapegoat House of Orange Windsor BlackOp = "BREXIT+++"


Faction 2: House of Ashina (Wolf) 🐺= ancient Persia/ China
