Anonymous ID: 4c51c0 Feb. 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.8223413   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3577 >>3710 >>3807 >>3845 >>3855

Nearly 40 alumni also reported “persistent” corporal punishment and physical abuse from the 1960s through at least the 1980s, the report said. Students said they were forced to kneel on broomsticks, slapped and punched, restrained with belts and straightjackets, forced to eat until vomiting and confined in a clothes hamper and closets as punishment, the school said.


“The results of this investigation reveal startling and appalling truths. As a school community, we offer a sincere and heartfelt apology to the survivors of the inexcusable actions identified in this report and for the fact that the School did not prevent or stop them,” Executive Director Jeffrey Bravin and Board of Directors President Catherine Burns said in a letter to the school.


School officials declined to comment Friday beyond the report’s findings, The Hartford Courant reported.


The board of directors hired an outside attorney to conduct the investigation after becoming aware of the allegations in 2019, the school said. The attorney interviewed more than 80 alumni, former faculty, staff and other witnesses.


School officials said one former student credibly reported that she was sexually abused by the late Dr. Edmund Boatner, who was executive director of ASD from 1935 to 1970.


“While Dr. Boatner is unable to respond to the allegations, and we recognize his otherwise unprecedented contributions to ASD and the deaf community, we found our alum to be highly credible and corroborated by the constancy of accusation witnesses,” the report said.


The report details other allegations of sexual abuse made against children as young as 10 years old.

