Anonymous ID: 5be67a Feb. 23, 2020, 1:11 a.m. No.8224405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4427 >>4507


The prophecy on 9/23/17 is from a YouTube prophet. A bunch of others heard it and became YouTube prophets too. Revelation chpt 12 has no relation to it. The single most important detail in the chapter is the one called the manchild. Have you heard of the manchild? Do you know who the manchild is? Do you want to know?

Anonymous ID: 5be67a Feb. 23, 2020, 1:52 a.m. No.8224543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4593 >>4658



“Unless A MAN be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

“Unless you become as a LITTLE CHILD, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”


So who is the manchild? And what is the kingdom or household of God? Who is the woman that brings forth the manchild?


If the Father is the man and the Son is the child, then the man child is the Father and the Son. Together they are one in the Spirit, which also happens to be the kingdom or house of God. “The Father and I are one.”


Like this: God is Love. Love is invisible, we can’t see it. But we can see the outward visible expression of love thru you. And the outward visible expression of love towards others is the Son of God. Now that visible expression of our invisible God is what’s called the works of God. If you do the works of love then you are given the spirit of love to dwell in. If you do the works of kindness then you are given the spirit of kindness to dwell in. This same happens for all the fruit of the spirit. FRUIT = that which the good spirit PRODUCEs. On the other hand, if you do the works of unkindness then you’re given the spirit of unkindness to dwell in. “Every man is given according to his works.”


The woman is the bride of Christ, the bride is the mind of Christ. She brings forth the Holy Spirit.


Think “seed” thought.