Anonymous ID: a7285a Feb. 23, 2020, 12:07 a.m. No.8224103   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Patriots protect Patriots.

Wouldn’t it be poetic justice…..

After SO many crimes created against innocent men and women of Our Great Country, wouldn’t it be poetic justice.


Panic. Patriots Are In Control.


Game Theory.


POTUS has the utmost power.

In coordination with the power of the Military all of the technology is in their control.


The Obama White House, Hilary State Department, Comey FBI… ALL of the players.


They thought they were so smart.

So confident, they got sloppy.

In turn they have been setup.


Would POTUS and The Team have the ability to create a “situation” that would point a laser at someone or something?


Yes. The Answer Is Yes.



