Anonymous ID: acdbe6 Feb. 23, 2020, 12:31 a.m. No.8224221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4229 >>4247 >>4272 >>4306 >>4434 >>4515 >>4572 >>4604

Daredevil and Flat Earth theorist "Mad" Mike Hughes dies in rocket crash


Daredevil and Flat Earth theorist Michael "Mad Mike" Hughes died Saturday in a rocket crash. Hughes, 64, wanted to prove the Flat Earth theory by taking photographs of the Earth from a homemade rocket.


Saturday's rocket launch was to be featured on the Science Channel, which was chronicling Hughes' attempts to launch himself high enough in a homemade rocket to take pictures of the curvature — or lack thereof as far as Hughes was concerned — of the Earth. This particular launch was only supposed to take Hughes 5,000 feet in the air, according to Discovery.


"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mike Hughes' family and friends during this difficult time. It was always his dream to do this launch, and Science Channel was there to chronicle his journey," Science Channel said in a statement.