Anonymous ID: f76b27 Feb. 23, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.8224652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Philip Haney Dead (OBAMA term DHS Whistleblower): "Haney was recently in contact with DHS officials about a possible return to the agency, the Washington Examiner reported, adding that he was also engaged to be married."

"On Friday morning, Haney’s body was discovered outside of San Francisco with a gunshot wound to the chest. His vehicle was nearby. Haney had been missing since Wednesday….


Hannity: Six years into your tenure, in 2009, you were ordered to scrub the records of Muslims with these terror ties by our government. Who told you to do that?


Haney: It was directed from DHS headquarters. It’s important to keep in mind that that was one year after the November 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror trial in American history that irrefutably proved that these individuals from the Muslim Brotherhood front groups were in direct financial support of Hamas.


Hannity: That’s the trial where CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, if I’m not mistaken?


Haney: Yes, along with Islamic Society of North America and North American Islamic Trust.


Hannity: You were identifying individuals. You built up a computer database. Obama becomes President. You are literally ordered to scrub the names of Muslims with terror ties…You believe you could have stopped what happened in Orlando [nightclub shooting on June 12, 2016 – two days before this interview] and San Bernardino [mass shooting on December 2, 2015 – six months before interview] had you not been ordered by Obama’s DHS to do this?


Haney: That was the first “great purge,” that was in 2009 with more than 800 records.