Anonymous ID: 15e236 Feb. 23, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.8228131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8226006 LB

NBC (Channel 5) in 2010 said Blago was derailed on Senate seat appointment in pref to the Manchurian Traitor.


"Retaking the witness stand this afternoon, Blagojevich's former roommate Lon Monk said that Blagojevich had a deal with Jones that he would kill an ethics bill which was going to limit Blagojevich's ability to raise money if Blagojevich agreed to appoint him to Barack Obama's senate seat when/if Obama won the presidential election.


It looked like they had an agreement, Monk said, but Obama called Jones and asked him to call the bill to a vote in order to help his presidential chances. Jones agreed. The ethics legislation went into law, and the deal was off to make Jones the U.S. Senator."