Anonymous ID: 511af2 Feb. 23, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.8230988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8229946 (lb)

>>8230021 (lb)

The constant attacks on Tulsi are one thing. The insistence of people claiming to know the unknowable is another, and this is where we have the biggest problem in this movement. All anyone has, at this point, are theories:

Theories about White hats/Black hats.

Theories about coronavirus.

Theories about the DS takedown (methodology).

Theories about Tulsi.

Theories about the D party candidate to debate @POTUS.

Theories about gold.

Theories about Epstein's "not killing himself".

Theories about Barr.

Theories about tribunals.

Theories about sealed "documents" or "indictments".

Theories about Popcorn.

Theories about Q.

Theories about Soleimani.

Theories about God.

Theories about Satan.

Theories about patriot v paytriot.

Theories about twitter personas.

Theories about counter-personas.

Theories about the openly opposition Q's that get quoted by Q.

Theories about the pro-Q personas quoted by @POTUS.

Theories about why some anons get a (you) and some don't.

Theories about why Q doesn't answer very specific questions about very specific things.

Theories about vaccines vs no vaccines (or the lack of distinction when pointed out by Q).

Theories about the storm.

Theories about the calm before (that we've passed).

Theories about the "after" storm.

Theories about NESARA.

Theories about "the last president"

Theories about Jerusalem.

Theories about Jesus.

Theories about Rome.


The DS disinfo campaign has found it's way from the Mainstream, to the Alt media, to the board, and twitter, and now we're told we're ready for the storm? Hold on and enjoy the ride. This shit is going to get nuts.


You think they've pushed us so far? Have you seen what they are doing, yet? Seriously take a step back and look at the most vocal on twitter and other platforms. The war is being waged everywhere; including on the Social Media platforms. Q called them out, and now we're to the point, 849 days later, and we're still fighting. The fear mongering, the doubt, the anger, the "make @POTUS do shit during a rally to prove Q"... All of it.


Q is real. Everything Q has shown us is real.

The DS is real. The DS literally worships Satan (even if he doesn't exist). The disinfo is real, and it's on all fronts. The problem we're having is anons not conceptualizing the malleability of their efforts.


Seek truth, and seek verifiable, evidential facts. Q keeps telling us to trust ourselves, yet we are allowing so many to sway us. Seriously; trust yourSELF. Not OTHERS.