Anonymous ID: d1e0c0 Feb. 24, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.8232867   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2877


I love how your Sathernauts try to declare that anyone who is again DRINKING FUCKING BLEACH is a lefist shill.


And then go on as if there's nothing wrong with that scenario.

As if the leftists aren't the main users of MMS.

Alongside the orgonite.


FFS get a grip. -_-

No one here is going to fall for your nonsense.

Anonymous ID: d1e0c0 Feb. 24, 2020, 2:03 a.m. No.8233070   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3082 >>3087


I did notice you projecting what happens when you Satherites come trying to pitch drinking bleachโ€ฆ


Crazy how it works out, y'know?

No one is on your side.


Your actions are an attempt to infiltrate this place.

It's not working.

I'm that kind guy by the door.

You can't get past me.

But you will heard as you leave.

Anonymous ID: d1e0c0 Feb. 24, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.8233097   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3114


We get it.

You want to try and align your bullshit with a "common enemy", etc etc.


Antifa did the same to Occupy did the same to Tea Party did the same to Ron Paul fans.


We get it.

It's a tried system that's been proven in seemingliy similar situations.


It's justโ€ฆ not gonna work here.


Sather only matters on Twitter and "above" (in terms of depth), but he's a joke when you're here.

Anonymous ID: d1e0c0 Feb. 24, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.8233106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3128


no, it's just making you not want to look into high level math. usual mason shit.


think of a spiral as hitting and infinite number of points.


What is the lest amount of points you need to hit in a series to create a spiral?

