>you could be a bot that already got trained to type like that although it really just makes you more conspicuous.
I like your mind: Suspicious as f. Critical, not cynical. Moi, i'm just an [ex]-hoe tard trying to help people see how deep they - already - are down the proverbial "rabbit" whole.
I cut my teeth on Mark Passio' Wisdom. A judge that cannot define anarchy, harm, or a right: [Ain't Judging].
The dog getting skinned alive in the film, "Earthlings" flipped my diet. John Rose' Wisdom sealed the Deal [muh Death:Contract].
Any being - [bot] - that fails such simple tests is and are in a state of psychosis. It's NOT about me projecting superiority - i am simply exposing liars: Those that would kill to defend their right to kill for pleasure [alone].
psychosis | sʌɪˈkəʊsɪs | noun (plural psychoses | sʌɪˈkəʊsiːz | )
a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality: they were suffering from a psychosis | [mass noun] : the symptoms of psychosis.
ORIGIN : mid 19th century: from Greek psukhōsis ‘animation’, from psukhoō ‘I give life to’, from psukhē ‘soul, mind’.
I comprehend the "golem" connotation… And what anti-live creates.
Soooo….. : What do you think of Louise Cypher' "thinking"? [did you ask it if it's exterminating humans?] The A.I. trans-human "thing" is deadly.
Have you observed and recorded changes in censorship and shadow-banning? Narrative control under pedocracy / kakistocracy is THE Key. And the chomos have lost control. KOS.
Have you researched Binding Citizens Initiated Referendum? Have you researched the monetization of birth certificates and signatures [mortgages]?
>it's taken me months to gradually move onto that path.
Great Work!
It took me 33 years to get over muh G.O.A.T.
Q: Have you been spat on by a billy goat while un-tangling him? [another Deal Sealer]
Animals - like humans [and bots] - in negative knowledge cannot be Trusted. Logically.
If we're going to survive the chaos: For Man' children It begins with teaching morals and ethics - especially during the hypnogogic period. The Prussian (indoctrination) System is a systemic failure. Ignorance perpetuating [ignorance].
Perhaps the FEMA camps will be for diet reeducation? (better than for Falun Gong' organs for vampires)
Anyhoo: to the garden.
We will meet again :-)