Helen Clark (former PM and UNDP Administrator 2009-2017) on Paul Henry's Rebuilding Paradise show - - an anon's half-arsed notes on her interview.
I have to say I was a bit stunned at her fairly moderate stance on things. I guess 8 years in the belly of the beast takes some of the hard edges off?
For a start she agreed with DJT's travel ban, and I don't think it was necessarily to avoid throwing Jacinda under the bus (since we did it early as well), she pointed out that the WHO is politically incapable of recommending a ban (because, "United" Nations, kek).
She said she felt the Security Council was in danger of becoming irrelevant due to their inaction over the pandemic. Interdasting…
She thought a Pandemic Resolution Council (or some-such) would be a better idea.
She did not think apportioning blame for the virus origin at this stage was helpful, but did say there should be a full review in due course. (that's another way of saying "investigation")
She believes The Who "did their best".
As for our economic recovery she was pretty strongly against austerity measures (reiterating the point at least once) and recommended borrowing and strategic debt repayment as the economy regrows.
Overall I was surprised about the lack of TDS and globalism. She might have been playing to the audience (this show is more right leaning, business oriented) but I do wonder if she knows the game is up.