Androgyne Pedovores Everywhere.
Q: Do (You) frot 'n dock or do u double-dock? (Can you?)
Either way: fill ya boots. Just leave the children and animals alone.
It is ALL about Consent.[]
Hey ho 2 u too. Great Work with the juice. Get into some fermenting too - cabbage and salty water is too easy - as you like.
And Hey! fellow hoe-tards: A Warrior needs your good thoughts ; Ian R Crane is isolated in hospital with cancer and flesh-eating bacteria.
Some hoe tell him about Wim Hof 'n Holotropic (Drs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanislav Grof) and Rick Simpson Oil.
"it rubs the oil on its skin or it gets the hose again"[]
>A Message from Ian R Crane
Comments: (public bathroom wall)
Ila Bell @Tom Colins no what I mean is that once one begins to dig, research and watch genuine people like Ian Crane, Brian Garish to name a couple, one realises how scary it is that people are sleepwalking into their own demise by believing government's mouth piece like BBC or the other main stream media's lies.
Tom Colins @Ila Bell
Oh right. Yeah sure. 2+2=5. I try and speak to people out on my official Big Brother allowed daily exercise (prison term), but 99% have fallen for it. I don't even dare approach the zombies in face masks - they're too far gone.
But if you even dare suggest 2+2 is anywhere near 4 the lemmings think you have two heads. It's almost futile now trying to wake people up at this late stage.
My only logic in trying to talk to people is to suss out if anyone else is awake. Or if someone is on the fence, going through the waking up stage, I may be able to help them, give them assurance that they're not going mad.
What worries me is the capitulation from those who I thought would see through this scam. The so-called anarchists, and anti goverenment people, who have fallen in line. They're now attacking anyone who doesn't believe and conform to big brother's official story - these idiots are fkn scrary. Dangerous. They would snitch on you at a drop of a hat.
Q: Are parasitic gut nematodes snitches?
Q+: What's a "Snatch"
QBonus: WHO's the snitchee?
[butt ice-cream]
Holotropic breathing is a technique developed by Dr. Stanislav Grof and his wife in the mid-1970s. As a psychotherapist, Grof was involved in earlier tests on the therapeutic potential of LSD. When psychedelics were peremptorily banned in the 1960s, Grof developed holotropic breathing as a means of simulating the psychedelic experience of LSD without the drug itself. Grof defines holotropic as "that which leads to wholeness." Before you begin, ask your doctor if holotropic breathwork is safe for you, especially if you have cardiovascular problems, high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, pregnancy, recent surgery, epilepsy, asthma or mental Illness.
Wim Hof, "Get Hi on your own supply"
Verily Deep (no vampire[s])
>A Message from Ian R Crane
cont. …
Holotropic breathing is designed to allow the breather to experience deeper levels of their psyche than are usually available in a normal waking state. Thus, breathwork typically begins by creating an appropriate setting. A quiet location, such as would be used for a retreat, is often used, and a comfortable room that can be darkened should be chosen. The breather is usually accompanied by a sitter and, sometimes, a more advanced facilitator. Relaxing music should be chosen in advance and played in a format that will allow continuous play for several hours.
The breather lies supine on a mat with eyes closed. The sitter or facilitator then leads the breather through a meditative visualization to create deep relaxation. If you are the breather, you would breathe slowly and deeply during this period as you allow all parts of your body to relax. At the end of the guided meditation, the lights are dimmed and the music is allowed to play at sufficient volume to block any external noise.
Once the music begins, you as the breather accelerate your rate of breath to a point near hyperventilation. The goal is to continue breathing deeply, but to do so quickly. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Remaining on your back, continue breathing in this way for two to three hours, focusing on the internal experience and feelings reached through the shift in your awareness. The sitter and facilitator are there to assist in any way you need. Some coughing or choking feelings are not unusual, particularly in response to emotionally charged experiences. You may find yourself writhing, dancing, crying, laughing, shivering, speaking or any of a variety of other possibilities.
After about two hours, the music is faded to silence. You, the breather, gradually resume a normal rate of breath. When you’re ready, open your eyes and allow the light in the room to return to normal. Take up a pen, crayon, marker or similar implement and draw a mandala to represent your experience. A mandala is a circle with shapes, scenes or symbols inside. If you have more artistic skill, you may choose to forgo the mandala form and draw a more expressive picture.
The Wrap Up
Holotropic breathing is a technique developed by Dr. Stanislav Grof and his wife in the mid-1970s. The breather is usually accompanied by a sitter and, sometimes, a more advanced facilitator. The goal is to continue breathing deeply, but to do so quickly. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Remaining on your back, continue breathing in this way for two to three hours, focusing on the internal experience and feelings reached through the shift in your awareness. You may find yourself writhing, dancing, crying, laughing, shivering, speaking or any of a variety of other possibilities.
Ray of Light at 9:11
…during lock-down too
>First peek and weighing baby Alena Eastwood born into lockdown, Easter Sunday, 9:11pm!
Great Work Vinny and Elohim
We're a long way from birth[s] in the forest<:>Respect for the real Carers 'n Drs.
that grain looks tasty…
And it is a shame there's no one to harvest it because (fruit and vege) farmers' harvesters are in lockdown. [with the above-ground human trafficker[s]]
Fruit and vegetable harvesters are (should be) Essential Services.
>True Earth , Perspective, how about a Grain of Truth ?
Q: What's the phi-angle (Tipping Point) of rice grains @S.S.D.? (Saturated Surface Dry-ish)<:>(butt ooouuuw the sweat ;-)
Q+:What about with a little water added? (external lubrication)
QBonus: Flat-Land<:>Anarchy<:>Ortegrity
KnOw: What's in those DUMB tunnels?
tipping points<:>720
"Over First, Under Second :- that weird principle known as the 'Philippine Wine Glass Dance'."
>Eric Weinstein: Geometric Unity and the Call for New Ideas, Leaders & Institutions | AI Podcast #88
Seems we're coalescing with Stan Tenen and Dan Winter verily quickly now… .. . . (9)(7)
F.O.R. Eric Weinstein: 4D-aNd_10<:>7!
4.3 million views @ 20200414
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.
Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.
You can support our team and future projects making a donation at
(bathroom wall…)
Yvette Bam:YouTube: By not 'trending' this video, it only further validates it.
Keefmaster: @Van Helsing Critical Mass must be reached first with this information, the best for last.
Van Helsing: I understand for most of you this is your first rodeo but remember there are people that have devoted their entire lives to seeking the truth, so just be receptive and realize you've been programmed your entire lives to resisting the truth and most of the time the truth will rub you the wrong way!
Van Helsing: @Keefmaster This information is 90% truth and 10% lies! They know to many people are waking up so they must divert you into a fruitless direction!
Van Helsing: Just be sure to research who owns/has controlling interest in these companies, Hollywood, The Media, The Banks, The Internet and what Public Affairs Committees control are Government! It's right in front of your face, just don't deny it when it hits you!
Justsomeguy 17: Yep
Keefmaster: @Van Helsing They are using tactical approach, the enemy is fierce, and you can't kill it that easy, so to be careful is mandatory at this point.
Iron<:>Like a Lion 'n Zion