Good morning, just wanted to give all the patriots and our Eurw@r room cmdr. some positive energy and a prayer for all your tiredless energy!!
Together, we will be victorious,
Tiredanon out
>OMFG i missed that! thats GREAT!!!!!
Shadilay, shadilalay my fellow patriot!
I think you got everything under control, but if you need me to help out in the meme/gfx dept., I got a little more time to spare now o7
Just let me know if I can be of assistance with anything (I still don't tw@t or do other social media, but it seems you got the shadowbanning reasonably under control)
Good morning you glorious patriots! This week has been a glorious week (and not just b/c the nice weather here).
You are doing it! You're pushing trough and reaching more and more normies. Starting this week I was reading trough the comment sections of some regular newssites. And the first two comments were about Q, and a link to github. At first I was like 'holy kek!' but then I was like; meh could be a fluke. But… I'm seeing more and more Q references in regular places, just like how the 'deepstate' is just a household name now, and not a 'muh tinfoil hat' term.
I don't do social media, but just wanted to leave feedback that your work is pushing out and now reaching more and more regular places on the internet.
Keep up the good work!! Shadilay and praise KEK!
Tiredanon out o7
We are all in this together, thank you for your kind words. Together we stand strong, and they hate that (thats why they want us divided). Pic very related
Hey eurt, thanks very much for the kind words, not all the badges I drop here are my OC. However I'm working on two things here (on the move so I doubt my id is the same; and yup captcha confirms), one is a war room general inspired pic like the ones you used 4 the earlier generals.
But the other one I'm stuck with, I got an idea but… for the love of kek help me out here: What words would you use to motivate and tell your kekistani airforce patriots to drop tw@tter bombs?
Your short and snappy line would be: __I got abut half a screen of real estate______ ?
As for the attacks -and this goes for all the patriot anons- [Dadmode] please make sure to take the time to make sure you keep in fighting spirits and high morale. I know we can go further, deeper and longer than normies, but even we need a break to recharge from time to time. Battlefatigue is real (I too need to take a brake sometimes, and yes, don't like that I need to) but sometimes it helps to step back and recharge yourself. Have a nice coffee, or just do whatever you feel helps clear your mind. That way you can be more productive in the endrun, and nobody is helped when you are burned up before the fight is over. [/Dadmode]
tl;dr: Thank you all hardworking Tw@tf@gs, you are doing keks work! I feel all the love here and return in it in kind (nohomo) to all you glorious faggots, praise kek! 8)
I'm still on the move, but speechless. Awesome pick, I have and idea in my head (I just need to spend ~2000 hrs in paint to get it out like I want it) should be done when I get back.
I also have the war room idea all figured out, I'll get that finished first when I get back. I hope to have it done before morning in yurop.
>(cant spell today)
Same here, just re-read my good advice see pic related (while facepalming). At least I drive better than I spell… I thunk, rite?
Also when I re-read it figured I should have made clear that it's not just the 20 min coffee break, sometimes that will work but some days flak can get bad so you need more to unwind and clear your head. Gotta go again, so I'll stop myself right here now, and end on a quote that still holds very true for me.
"I love it when a plan comes together"
John "Hannibal" Smith
"Ever since I made my first meme, when I get good inspiration it is like being guided by the hand of kek." ~Ta.
Shadilay~ o7
Good morning Patriot! Thank you for making and sharing here. I really like the MAGA lion one (I'm also working on an updated meme-patch where I want to see if I can integrate it in).
As for the non-swastika version, like you, try show people that in other parts of the word the original swastika is still a symbol for prosperity that can be seen out in the open (Like India), but then also like to give everybody the option to use what they feel at ease with (plus I'm sure it will make a great add to those who collect these patches and store them offline for prosperity) so I for one welcome the addition if you can drop it here.
Pic related is the war room general inspired pic I was talking about, I got a PNG if you insist but it's crazy large @4.5~Mb and new JPG compression with proper setting reduces artifacting to acceptable levels. I'll see if I can get the famous quote one done by today, but I also got a ton of other stuff to get out of the way before I can start. I might go with a minimalist approach to put less distraction and more emphasis on your quote…
Shadilay! And don't forget to praise KEK o7
It comes in waves, just keep trying and eventually you'll get trough. Speaking of waves, take this glowboat I made a while back (Rhymeanon came up with the rhyme and it was too good not to merge it with this pic)
That is an impressive amount of good information in just three sentences. Very, very useful!
This one is pure gold, thanks so much for dropping it here! Will spread this little gem on what little reach I got.
I'm glad you like it, I've made several other compositions but really wanted to use this one since the round lightfixture was just begging to be changed into a giant "Q". Chose to point the leg of the Q to the USA for more MAGA. I also intentionally left some room in the bottom so you can add text or #hashtagwhatever to it o7
And thanks for the arsenal add-ons, I've never seen the twitter eagle but I like it! (I can change the colors no prob)
Speaking of symbols, Alphabet inc/goog is really big on them. Pic related.
United we stand, divided we fall - Q
His book is still so valid and true even to this day. I prepared many a battle with his words in my mind. You are one wise anon.
Let me tell y'all how this one came to be, since you are all here now, some of you since the start. Manning the war room (I remember some of you getting your ass chewed for namefagging in the old cbts threads I think) but since the dawn of Q you've been here, some joining in later, but all working damn hard. Ppl notice, but it's not in the chans nature to keep fagging about compliments -we're all autists after all here, and every anon is equal to the other- somewhere along the line (I think it was war room General VI or VII) to celebrate war room General X, I'd make this OC. And here it is. This is the first concept. I'm happy with the main text but not so happy with the hashtags, I wanted to use #QAnon but kept adding and deleting hashtags, eventually I ran with this but I got the template so anything goes (as long as it will fit in the allocated space). I'm done overhyping it, so before you open it, lower your expectations a lot pls… I am but a simple mememaker, but my intentions were good.
I know a good meme is simple, funny, and best just takes a good idea and makes it memorable (right sun-tzu-anon?), and most memes don't take up too much time to create. But once in a while I don't mind putting a little more effort/time in, like we all know since the day Q united us on half-chan and now here. In stead of feeling lonely and rejected as a crazy conspiracy nut by our close friends and families, we found eachother. And a common goal. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who started to feel less alone, and actually started to have fun!
What I'm trying to tell here is that even though I made over a dozen different concepts, messed around with lettering spaced to the shape of the head, or in the center, word wrap and spacing, even to the position of the little "quotation" marks, the time was worth it to me and even tho I'm still not 100% happy with how the hashtags are now in concept #1, I just wanted to make something in honour or all your tireless work, efforts, swearing at the clowns and the brainwashed is not in vain and this goes for every single anon on the chans, BO and BV and everyone around the world fighting evil but my hat goes especially off to all you glorious tw@tfags. Against all odds you broke trough the censoring and the rigged unfair systems that were most definitely not in our favour.
@eurt, our very own cmdr in tweeps', choose your battles. You only have 2 hands (and take it easy with the shoulder cmdr, thatś an order!), and doing kek's work here. I hope you either have a bigass monitor or know how to use the zoom keys. I told you I was gonna go for minimalist subtle for this very one and I did 8)
Proofread 4 spelling/typos pls. And if you want changes (empty spaces so you can add your own #hashtags) or something else, just let me know and I'll be happy to upload a revised version.
Before I get banned for shitting up the war room, let me wrap this up and end here.
Tiredanon~ o7 Proud to serve with you faggots. I love you all (nohomo)
tl;dr: I had fun making this one
>the foolish think they are wise, the wise know they are foolish
I so wanna print this one out, signed by - Q and leave carelessly on the desk of my supervisor. (He thinks he's hot shit)
You're like the gift that keeps on giving.
Pic related has always been a personal favorite of mine