Anonymous ID: a240dc June 22, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.1864933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've read all the excuses, but I would like to know the REAL reason why the left in Congress, MSM and Hollywood have truly lost their ever loving minds over Trump! There has GOT to be a reason other than what meets the eye and the excuses over policy. I mean, they have TRULY LOST their minds! They are out of control. The screaming, the yelling, the tweets, the broadcasts, the accusations - nothing but outrageous lies and crazy talk. They have lost all decorum and sense of reason. They are beginning to really, really frighten me. I wish the President understood how much they are frightening us. They are acting like demons being exorcised. I am not making a joke. That is exactly what we are seeing. The President should explain it to us in a way we can understand and accept and let us know if we are in danger. These people are nothing short of desperate and desperate people do desperate things. I am losing sleep, afraid of what these people might do, especially not knowing what they are capable of or what capabilities they have.