Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.8950988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1276 >>1340

“There’s No Doubt About It” – General Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell Claims Obama FBI and DOJ Officials Framed General Flynn


On Tuesday General Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the continued case against the former Trump National Security Advisor.


Sidney Powell opened up the interview by asserting that her client, General Michael Flynn, was framed by Barack Obama FBI and DOJ officials.



Sidney Powell: There’s no doubt about. August 15th Strzok and Page texted each other about the insurance policy they discussed in McCabe’s office. The very next day they opened the quote “investigation” on General Flynn. And the day after that as we just learned in the IG Report in December they sent an agent into what was supposed to be a trusted presidential briefing solely because General Flynn was going to be there and they wanted to collect information on him and gauge his mannerisms in the event they needed to interview him later, i.e. if Trump was elected to the presidency and Flynn ended up in the White House.


Lou Dobbs: …You’re just now receiving evidence and documents that some had told you didn’t exist and apparently no one else believed existed either.


Sidney Powell: Nobody but me, apparently. I’ve known for a long time they were hiding a number of things… They should have given us all those documents and there are more notes and emails that are in our sealed filing last Friday. The government has advised now they’re working with the FBI to make some redactions on those to protect the names of the guilty. Not their words but mine. And they should be able to give us tomorrow at the latest… The latest development today is that Covington, Flynn’s former law firm, produced to us an additional 17,500 pages from the Flynn file that were not produced back last August when they were certified that the entire file had been produced. So Judge Sullivan just issued a blistering minute order that Covington go back and do another search of all of its Flynn files to make sure it has given us everything.


This was another remarkable interview by Sidney Powell.

General Flynn is blessed to have this courageous woman assisting him at this time.

Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.8951024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1149 >>1262

Nothing To See Here: Remote Manipulation of Gene Expression Through Radio Waves, Wireless Control of Cell Function


Mainstream science reports detail methods of wirelessly controlling cell function and gene expression in mice.


A report from 2015 published in Nature details the use of nanoparticles and “…the development of a genetically encoded system for remote regulation of gene expression by low-frequency radio waves (RFs) or a magnetic field.”


The report says:


In mice with stem cell or viral expression of these genetically encoded components, remote stimulation of insulin transgene expression with RF or a magnet lowers blood glucose.


A similar report from 2018 details “Wireless control of cellular function by activation of a novel protein responsive to electromagnetic fields.”


Using a cloned gene from the glass catfish species, researchers “…identified an electromagnetic perceptive gene (EPG) from the K. bicirrhis encoding a protein that responds to EMF. This EPG gene was cloned and expressed in mammalian cells, neuronal cultures and in rat’s brain.”


The report continues, documenting remote control over motor function in rats:


Moreover, wireless magnetic activation of EPG in rat motor cortex induced motor evoked responses of the contralateral forelimb in vivo. Here we report on the development of a new technology for remote, non-invasive modulation of cell function.!po=81.8681

Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.8951058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1276

Pope Francis calls for ‘obedience’ to Italian ‘phase 2’ restrictions that continue ban on Mass


Pope Francis' comments were seen as opposing Italian bishops who complained against the new regulations


VATICAN CITY, April 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Pope Francis has called upon Catholics to pray for the “grace of…obedience” regarding Phase 2 of state lockdown regulations.


The pontiff made this remark this morning at the beginning of Mass at his hotel home, the Casa Santa Marta, a day after news that the Italian bishops were unhappy with continuing the ban on public worship featured in the press.


“At this time when measures for leaving the quarantine are beginning, let us pray to the Lord that He will give his people, to all of us, the grace of prudence and obedience, so that the pandemic does not return,” the pope said.


The request was subsequently added to Pope Francis’ Twitter account.


The Italian media is widely reporting this as a rebuke to the Italian Ecclesiastical Conference (CEI), who criticized the Italian government on Sunday night for extending the ban on public worship into “Phase 2” of its strategy against the COVID-19 coronavirus.


Quotidiano wrote, “‘Prudence’ and ‘obedience’, then, are the key words that sound like a command, used by the pontiff right when part of the Church has criticized the actions of the Conte executive.”


Il Fatto Quotidiano was even more pointed, saying that “in the debate about the participation of the faithful at mass in Phase 2 … Pope Francis repudiates the Italian Episcopal Conference and sides with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.”


“A few words at the beginning of his usual morning Mass at his residence… were enough to disassociate [Pope Francis] totally from the clash between CEI and the government.”


Catholic journalist Sandro Magister agreed with the interpretation of the Italian media, saying today that the remark was a humiliation for the CEI.


“The Italian bishops are [now] doubly humiliated, first by the head of the government, and then by the pope,” he wrote.


Today Quotidiano published an interview with Bishop Massimo Camisasca of Reggio Emilia, 73, in which he repeated the CEI’s assertion that freedom of religion was being compromised.


“The decision of the [government] expresses an arbitrary violation of religious freedom, sanctioned by the Constitution,” he said and added that a legal expert had determined that it was also in violation of the Concordat between the Italian state and the Holy See, something that would be addressed after the pandemic.


“At this time, the Church insists on the ability to return to her pastoral activities with the autonomy she deserves under the law.”


Funerals are the one religious ceremony allowed by “Phase 2” and then only if 15 people are present. Camisasca stated that he didn’t understand why small funerals were permitted and small Mass were not.

Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.8951091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1111 >>1276

Why Illinois Is Broke: 109,881 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $14B


Illinois could soon be the first state in history to have its bonds rated as “junk.” Last month, both Moody’s MCO and Standard & Poor’s downgraded Illinois debt to just one notch above junk status.


Last week, the Illinois State Senate President Don Harmon (D-Chicago) wrote a letter to Congress requesting a $41.6 billion bailout. Critics balked.


In many ways, Illinois may have already crossed the Rubicon.


Our analysis at shows that an Illinois family of four now owes more in unfunded pension liabilities ($76,000) than they earn in household income ($63,585). In a state of 13 million residents, every man, woman, and child owes $19,000 — on an estimated $251 billion pension liability.


Our auditors discovered 110,000 public employees and retirees who earned more than $100,000 last year.

Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.8951126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1276

Melbourne woman feared she had coronavirus after confusing app message


Confusion and privacy concerns have grown over the federal government's COVIDSafe app, with one Melbourne woman saying a puzzling message led her to believe she had contracted the virus.


Mother-of-two Holly Donovan from Frankston panicked when she thought the app had diagnosed her with coronavirus.


The message "You have tested positive for COVID-19" appeared when she tapped the button "has a heath official asked you to upload your data?".


It is not meant to tell users they have coronavirus, but instead ask them to confirm they have tested positive.


"I got a shock and then I thought people should know about this, because some people would get really panicky and go oh god I've got it," she told 9News.


It comes after a hoax text message was sent out to some users yesterday, which warned they had been detected too far from their homes.

Anonymous ID: d0504f April 28, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.8951156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1276

FFS Cabal scientists are busy


Oxford University Vaccine Protects Monkeys From COVID-19, Human Trials Underway


A potential coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University has shown promising results, protecting six rhesus macaque monkeys from large amounts of COVID-19.


According to a Monday report by the New York Times, researchers at the National Institute of Health Rocky Mountain Laboratory injected the six monkeys with the Oxford vaccine and then exposed them to large quantities of the virus, which had been shown to cause illness in other monkeys.


However, 28 days later, all six monkeys were healthy, according to Vincent Munster, the researcher who carried out the test.


“The rhesus macaque is pretty much the closest thing we have to humans,” Munster said this week, also noting that his team is planning to submit the study results to a peer-reviewed journal.


A Thursday news release by Oxford revealed that researchers have started testing the vaccine in human volunteers. Around 1,100 people are currently part of the trial.


Chinese company SinoVac has also started a clinical trial with 144 people after finding that its vaccine helped treat rhesus macaques infected with the coronavirus.


The World Health Organization revealed last Thursday that there are a total of six COVID-19 vaccines that have entered human trials, and 77 others are still in various stages of development.


In recent weeks, researchers in New York have also been investigating whether famotidine, a common, over-the-counter drug which is used to treat ulcers, heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease and is the active ingredient in Pepcid, may help in the treatment of COVID-19.