Rock & Roll
Christian Fundamentalists believe that Jesus is their 'Rock'. To 'roll' Jesus would be the same as turning Him over or sweeping Him away. Plainly, implanting the idea that Christian's 'rock' would roll away. It is this explanation that resonates with the British Invasion and its subsequent invention of Rock & Roll. In order to control and conquer the United Sates, it had to be deeply divided. That division would begin with the takedown of Christianity with the onset of 'Rock & Roll'.
The Rock of Ages is sung by angels for eternity. The Beatles managed to turn that basic Christian concept on its head by replacing the angels with the dead Beatles reincarnated for us to "enjoy the show" as empty and decaying corpses. In reincarnation terms, the Beatles were believed to 'heal the blind' in an otherwise blinded world to satan. By healing the sick and raising the 'dead' they implanted a new philosophy of religion on the American people. Certainly, it can be said that The Beatles were Rock Gods. Their 'invasion' was a subliminal replacement of Jesus Christ and God in America. The Beatles and other Rock Gods that followed are false idols in the eyes of the Lord.
David Rockefeller had a strange fascination with the groove dogger beetle, also referred to as the Sexton beetle. His photos and work can be found via internet searches. The groove dogger feeds off dead corpses, laying its eggs in the carcass. Strangely, the Sexton family married in to the Rockefeller family. [The Sexton's were major players in the Sandy Hook false flag event]
Emma Gonzalez of the Marjory Stoneman High shooting, made her television debut wearing a Beatles t-shirt.
In some traditions, a doppelganger or 'double-goer' is defined as an evil twin, a look-alike or double of a living person, sometimes portrayed as a paranormal phenomenon.
Mania, as in Beatlemania, is defined as a state of abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy level, or a state of heightened overall activation. Psychologically, the 'activation' occurs when listening to Beatles music, conjuring up the ideologies of their music, their God-like/idol fame and the entranced state that came with their invasion of the United States.
Band's manager Brian Epstein: Research did not garner results to link this Epstein to todays' Jeffrey Epstein of pedophilia fame, however it's hard to contemplate that the link does not exist.
It is said that 'Operation Rock&Roll' was a brainchild of Winston Churchill.
Although much research was devoted to derive the meaning behind Sgt. Pepper**, a true connection could not be made. However, it seems not a far stretch to say that Churchill 'peppered' the political climate to the extent of being a catalyst to WWII. An early photo for young Winston mimics the uniforms worn for the Sgt. Pepper album. (also see The River War, Winston Churchill, 1899)
In 1965 The Beatles were awarded an M.B.E. by the Queen; an award for outstanding achievement or service to the community. It stands for Member of the Order of the British Empire [Mister Brian Epstein].
*On February 15, 2018, Ringo Starr proclaimed that the real Paul McCartney died in 1966 and had been replaced. According to Starr, the cover of the Abbey Road album was a hidden message to the world, symbolizing a funeral procession. John Lennon. dressed in white, symbolizes the clergyman. Ringo Starr, dressed in black, symbolizes the undertaker. George Harrison, in denim jeans and shirt, symbolizes the gravedigger, and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the other members, symbolizes the corpse. McCartney was replaced by a man named William Shears Campbell. Abbey Road was released in 1969 and would be their final album.
**A Fellowship Report was prepared by a man named by Matt Pepper in 2015 for the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia. The report is titled "To Research International Models of Innovation and Tactical Emergency Medical Report". (one must ponder if this report was the precursor for the planning of future false flag events around the world).
Items found within the Sgt. Pepper's album art include: stone figures of a girl, a boy and of Snow White, a model of the Tree of Life, statue of Goddess Lakshmi, a hooka, and a velvet snake.