What about people like the MoMA’s Dept of Film Curator [DK] and others, as well as [Mormons] in Ancestry .com changing family histories, hiding records, pushing other records sometimes before historians, genealogists, and families’ eyes? Also, what of the authors, some changing their own books when readers piece together sorted tidbits that add up to murders and other corruption cases? [BT]. And, what about the documentary film makers/C_A changing history? [CC] Is justice going to come to [them] for deceiving and mind controlling the sheep?
Who is going to put the family histories (or other world history) back together for the descendant families of stars and important historical figures like VP, TI, GR, WC, AL, and so many others? [DK] [BT] [CC] [others]
How is the world going to know real history once again? Will the people ever know the truth of this nation and the world and the people therein? Or, is history forevermore false? Will we go on remembering the lies? Or, does it matter in the reset? “All things new”? “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,”?