Terminator 1&2 are the story of the War against Heaven, told from a Luciferian POV.
I just figured this out, but im like 90% sure. Obviously 'Judgment Day' is biblical but its NOT a metaphor. Understand, this isn't Cameron being clever, this is subtle apologetics for the Luciferian ideology, at a deep mental level.
Think about it. Sarah Connor as mockery of Virgin Mary. Kyle carries a photo of her around, just like a Virgin Mary icon. Violent. Wild eyed. Crazed. While Mary is saddened at the suffering she is sending her son to, she is also has 'secret knowledge' of the resurrection (she is at the tomb, along with other Mary). Connor has secret knowledge of her sons antichrist role in Judgement Day. She is impregnated by the demon Kyle who manifests from another dimension- mockery of miraculous birth. John Connor (JC)- mockery. Hollywood never uses these initials accidently. In T2 John is portrayed as a sharp-mouthed rebellious brat. He is fostered (Illuminati bloodlines always do this).
In the first future scene we see Kyle fighting the 'machines'. Of course demons would think the heavenly host are machines. They serve God 'mindlessly' instead of joining rebellion. Kyle tells Sarah that the humans win, that they destroy Sky-net (heaven, obviously, the net in the 'sky' that catches the 'big fish' but lets the 'little fish through'). But we can see that the humans (demons) are clearly getting their ass kicked. They get zapped as soon as they step into the light. Modern Hollywood has taught us to favour the underdog, but why? When Kyles car gets overturned, flames start coming from below him and he literally screams in demonic fury and frustration that he cannot defeat heaven.
Terminators as Jesus, church and the heavenly host? What does Arnold say? 'I'll be back..' A terminators metal face is what judgement looks like to a liar who thinks they should be able to talk their way out of everything.
In the second future scene Kyle retreats from the battlefield down into the human base. The human base is clearly hell. It has a forbidding portal, guarded by dogs. The two dogs in the first shot look like a two headed dog. Similar to Cerberus, obviously. Access is gained by password (Egyptian BOTD). People inside are moaning and wailing. People looking into flames, soullessly. The soldiers are NOT GUARDS but DEMONS who are keeping the poor souls down there. Then something goes wrong, the dogs are barking. A Terminator has tricked them into letting him in. The terminator is Jesus, who 'tricked' Satan into killing him, and then goes down to hell to trample down death and rescue those in the bosom of Abraham and the righteous amongst the pagans who weren't lucky enough to be born Christian. The Terminator wears garments of clothes and skin, just as Adam and Jesus wore garments of skin and death (important motiffe in traditional Christianity). Notice the Terminator doesn't seem to kill the denizens of this underworld, only the guards. Again the Terminator (Jesus) clearly wins this fight and Kyle (lucifer) is outdone again. Having lost the War in Heaven, and having lost many of his captives due to the trampling down of death by Jesus, he enters normal mortal time to create the Antichrist, John.
Kyle and Sarah manage to defeat the Terminator (notice the skin is gone by the end, church loses its ability to contain evil because it no longer wears the garments of skin and death to protect it. No hard edge.). So the antichrist can be born.
In T2 a terminator has been re-programmed to protect the antichrist child. This is the church being corrupted to hide evil. catholic church probably, either post east-west split or post Vatican II. Not sure about T1000, probably the Holy Spirit that can manifest in anyone, i.e assume any shape
John and Sarah realise despite what Kyle said, they will destroy themselves and lose on judgement day. Plan 2- stop Judgement day, basically by killing a bunch of people. Holy Spirit is sacrificed into fire (nasty!) and after that is achieved the corrupt church follows it into the fire. Movie ends with camera on barely lit road, driving into darkness, 'no fate, no future but what we make'. I.e. 'Screw you God we can stop your Judgement Day.'