It was never about any one person or entity. [Clowns] are here to attack ALL contact movements, regardless of origin.
Schizophrenia is caused when two or more souls are trying to stay in a physical body. A clearing with spiritual energy is needed to purify the self from bad entities.
Thank you, thank you, your story syncs so well with all the other sightings, the instant acceleration/deceleration element is omnipresent across most or all UFO sightings and we can safely assume the missing trillions from US Department of Defense went into the development of that propulsion.
To try to answer some of your questions, I believe Val Thor is legitimate, there are stories about Planet Venus being inhabited in a different space-time frequency (so-called 5D) which enables people from there to lower their frequency and visit Earth on a mission. So if it isn't legitimate it is at least possible and elaborated in other sources.
>When we do publicly disclose, shake hands in the public eye, do we as a species need to worry about being held accountable for crimes committed by others of our race "out there"?
No, absolutely not, the good ETs value you by the Light of your Soul, not by whom you share the planet with. All benevolent contactees reported no judgement whatsoever.
>Best food?
Earth, for now. According to Billy Meier, 5D Pleiadians grow tomatoes and apples, so maybe we'll have a culinary shift aside from the planetary one.
>I realize the threat we pose to ourselves/others the further we climb up the technological ladder, it is an enormous leap of faith.
Now you see the reason why this happened (video embedded). USSR had the same encounters but their cover-up was better.