Anonymous ID: 89a951 June 18, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.9659808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0643 >>3492



The shills have copied the anon you speak of in every way on these threads, including L. L is just another example of him being copycatted. There's too many coincidences to ignore between this anon and Q, that's why anons need to see it for themselves and make their own decisions. If anons go thru and read those threads a whole lot more will make sense with what has happened here over the years.

Anonymous ID: 89a951 June 25, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.9741324   🗄️.is 🔗kun




LoLolLoLoLoLolLoLlOLoLoOoOLl. Shills can only use that defense for so long. Calling out shillfaggots for their fuckery does not equal flak proving everything they say is true. Yeah, I remember that faggot constantly saying that every time he is questioned. These threads should have been called the ballad of the broken record griershill. It's just too fucking obvious every time he replies to defend himself with another ID.

Anonymous ID: 89a951 June 25, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.9743423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4140 >>9673






Meditation is for faggots. Sounds like a griershill episode repeating again. I've seen plenty of anomalies and never once did I need to meditate. Why do the shills always tie spirituality in with close encounters? What is it about someones spirituality that makes them highly susceptible to outside interference and suggestion?

Anonymous ID: 89a951 June 29, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.9786949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8846 >>8861 >>9312 >>9714 >>9953 >>3777 >>2321 >>5237


>What is the "Harvest"?


>Specific terminology?



>Jupiter Ascending.


Interesting how they have the reptilians, greys and pleidians all working together in this movie. Also interesting how it's all about a planet being harvested for energy. Definitely correlates to Q's post, so you're on to something here. Also interesting how quickly the voices seem to slide this away to go back to the "anyone who calls any group of ET's evil or outlines negative agendas is a fear monger and you should filter them". Also to note that show people of earth had the reptilians, greys and nordics all working together. What are they trying to tell us?



>It's a psyop. You are the crop being harvested. The cabal wants a new age of Ra worship, all the while giving consent to be harvested.


Now this makes a lot more sense. Some of this was posted at truth legion already, if the law of one had all of the most important esoteric questions answered then why is there no effort by the controllers (illuminati or w/e you want to call them) to shut it down and stop people from reading it? Why is it encouraged by clowns like corey goode and david wilcock? Come on if this was the most secret knowledge that answers everything then why isn't everyone dead who put it out there?


Doesn't make a lot of sense. If this info could damage them so badly by giving us all the answers then why is it so embellished by the narratives of disinfo agents? Why is the being named "Ra" from Egyptian times (no slaves back then right?) and does that correspond to Q's earlier posts about Ra and gold being the skin of the gods?


Also why do so many authorities seem to show up when the law of one is mentioned? Why or rather who is so invested to make us believe this material? free will is apparently really important to these beings, both good and evil beings, so I could see where it would be really important for us to consent to being harvested. Exactly what the law of one proposes to accomplish.


If we really are a crop being harvested, and going by Q's posts that definitely seems to be the case, then doesn't it make sense why the entire shill force would be on here to confuse and obfuscate the truth about us being harvested as a crop? Wouldn't they be invested heavily to make us believe there are no negative ET's?


Would definitely make sense why the most vocal voice on here over the years has been CE5 anon spamming it up trying desperately to make anons believe there are no evil aliens. Also to try to make us follow his CE5 team because they are superior to the rest of the anons.


When the shills can't produce video evidence of contact they steal it from others to suit their narratives.


Law of one definitely seems like the grandest psyop ever now after looking at things differently.


Pics attached to give anons something different to think about. Most likely all the "incarnation" stuff is bullshit, yes bullshit and that's why Q included the phrase from a different anons post. Best way to fool an entire population into being harvested is to make them think their deaths will lead them to a new "incarnation" in a different density sphere. Kek

Anonymous ID: 89a951 June 29, 2020, 10 a.m. No.9788017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8718 >>3080 >>5237



Isn't Elizondo tied to the John Podesta backed "To The Stars Academy"? Isn't he pure disinfo? I tend to trust everything I see on Fox and other mainstream news outlets. Don't forget dr. grier was on there too.