Anonymous ID: b850d0 May 22, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.9279588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0172


yeh caution discernment n all dat ayy agendas n stuff, human milab gayness

tbh I think the problem that I experienced after learning about ayys, and proving beyond a doubt for myself that ayys r real, is the inherent need to sperg to the ayys for help after learning about the gayness in the world. And there comes the risk of getting Astrally raped by a Lizard.

But after some introspection

huffing dmt to know there’s shit outside the physical

the feeling fades.


>Be immortal

>Incarnate on Earth

>Sperg out at sky for contact

>Jizz for 5 secs as light in sky dances with thoughts


>Realise the meaning of life is whatever ur higher self incarnated here for. Not some lights in sky bullshit.

yo ce5 fags I wrote this for u

If y’all could stop ignoring the connection of Ayys and MILAB fuggery connection that would be nice, e.g. Tony Rodrigues, Satanic Sacrifice for Adrenochrome to contact Negative Ayys, maybe we could get rid of pecking order slavery shit on Earth a bit quicker yeh.

Alas that shit is too deep for even ayyfags to consider and the highest classification gayness controlled on the planet, and I’m pissing into the wind.

I know all the spook niggers incarnated (from Source) at this very point in time to be a spook nigger but please consider the follow:
