Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 26, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.9327280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8054


I dunno, man…

You know the story of Rumpelstiltskin, right?

I guess I'm not really sure how it all overlaps, though.


Lamen'vav or Lamen Vav

I can't remember if there's an apostrophe or where it goes for sure.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 29, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.9363199   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, neat.

I can explain this a little better.


So, (You) are the soul that occupies your body. However, there's also the human element to it, the conscious creature that feels and thinks which you're occupying (not the soul but two different things). Then there's the Y guy, the ego.


It's my understanding that schizophrenia occurs when the human element about you takes particular notice of the feud occurring between the other two parts and makes attempts to delineate between the two and ultimately make better sense of them.


Of course, I'm not at all arguing against the ability of multiple souls to enter into one vessel. I'm also not necessarily arguing that it could or could not occur with multiple souls entering one.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 29, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9363444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, you should be no stranger to the namefags by now. Sure, the probe talk is just shitposting but the thread isn't getting spun out too far.

We're all here to better understand the human condition as it relates to extraterrestrial territory. Why is discussing the nature of the connection between it and the Soul "total garbage" and "nonsense"?

Why would someone get upset over this discussion?

Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 30, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9379640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1547


None of us have ever needed Q to confirm the majority of things here.

The operative team sought our help for a reason.

We DO NOT require Q to confirm everything.


There's no sense in arguing over who's perspective is more correct.

Trust yourself.

Only yourself.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 30, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9379727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4233 >>4753 >>3593


Except that the entity you're describing has come to us a great many times and in many forms and the New Testament of the Bible is merely the newest iteration that our civilization is recognizes.

Give our species a few hundred or maybe a thousand years and Tesla will be highly regarded, just like JFK, POTUS and likely many more figures.


I understand what Joshua (yeah, you're still using the wrong name) was a very important historical figure and his impression is pervasive and lasting unto today, but the majority of the people that espouse his rhetoric (which I'm not arguing against) hardly understand who he was, what he did, or even why he did it. Hell, few of you even have an appropriate grasp of the aftermath of his play on the Grand Stage.


How about you and everyone like you tries something:

Forget all that you know. Seek answers in the darkest corners of the internet.

Find out what the craziest of the crazy believes and then come back to us and explain what you've learned, how you feel about it and recall how much you truly think lines up with what [they] have been insisting you believe all of your life.

Truly try to go out and learn the secrets that the faggots love to keep.

Make an attempt.

Stop listening to priests downtown. Their rhetoric is bonded by consensus.


Tell your own tale, anons.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc May 30, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9389118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661


Uhh are you sure you aren't confusing me with something else, Redditspacing?



Well, sure, the Hebrew version. Even then, I'm pretty sure it's more like "Yehashuwa" or something like that.


Do you know why you're calling it the "Golden Age"? I figure that if you're going to keep shitting up the bread with your namefagging, we could at least make use of you.



>what's in the darkest corners your guts? [slaughter]? or Symbiosis?

Should I tell them it's both?…

Also, pic related

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 5, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9488180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Does that imply Q has knowledge or the ability to control lightning or at least the appearance of it?

This one.

/ourguys/ got control of the weather tech and they're going to storm out the faggot rioters this weekend.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 8, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.9534213   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Yes, it's about alpha and omega, creation and end to creation.

You'll find down the road, however, that the cycle is unending and it's the point of this struggle - to learn, to grow.

You can think of the ourobors as well.

Many would also mention duality.


These things all sort of mesh together, I've found.



I still think this is such a simple way to put it that it hardly explains it enough to count.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 11, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.9574695   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Light came from Venus

Morning Star






There are loads of overlap and this shit is extremely nuanced.

The issue big hurdles are about discovering just how much of the story is metaphor and how much of it is actionable information.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 12, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.9587108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7342 >>7354


>Not knowing you're in a retrofitted death cult.

How are you going to react when you realize that you've been taught that your savior is actually someone else entirely?


Yehashua was another prophet (archetype) and he tried to tell you faggots over and over again that he wasn't "God", but every single one of us is. The first Gnostics were the closest we've ever gotten to the true "religion" (even though that word is shit), or spiritual movement that emanated truth. Today, you would refer to them as the first Christians. Unfortunately, they got infiltrated, their rhetoric was obfuscated and tainted and the ones that are left over are taught essentially the opposite of everything.


The anti-christ is simply the Dragon's Penis or Pin-dar.

You've been giving him all your energy all of your life and you were none the wiser.

Your language has been formed around his inspiration. You use words you don't understand. You use incantations you don't understand. You perform rituals you don't understand.


You will be devastated when we and /ourguys/ are finished.

I wish you the best, anon.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 12, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.9587581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656 >>7781 >>7870


So, you'd prefer to believe that the story, which has been served to you on a silver platter by the very people you insist will be condemned and stricken down by the Air/Storm/Sun God, is more accurate and that all of those sayings and stories compiled by those very people are more accurate than what you know they believe?


I understand you're just here to slide with bible verses so we don't talk about contact, contact methods, so we don't describe or speak about space/aircraft, so no one better describes daemons/archons/spirits whatever you want to call them, so we don't bring up Light and how the allegories from mythology line up with occultism, so we don't teach Norman how to understand mysticism, and all of that, but why are you feeding us?


You're explaining that you understand [their] understanding of spirits granting humans knowledge and that fun shit, but you prefer to explain it in the ambiguous ideological way you've been taught to explain it by the local rabbi… oh, I mean priest?

It's like you're trying to avoid knowing what you know.


Look, the Holy Ghost/Spirit is an interpretation of our divine tether. Modern Christianity is already saturated in the same pantheism you're suggesting everyone but you abides by…

You do this without realizing that the Holy Ghost/Spirit helps form the trinity, which I can tell you still don't understand is another occult/mystic reference to the functionality of this realm.


Do you not realize that Blavatsky insisted that the Light-spirit explained the Christ's powers or vibration level?

Do you not realize this framework permeates forth from all cultures?

Chinese/Hindu called it Chi.

Hebrews called it Ruach (Ka).

Japenese called it Ki.

Greeks called it Pneuma.

Western Civilizations have long called it Spirit or, more adequately, Life Force and those variants.


You are an absolute brainlet and you do not understand the rhetoric which shapes the ideology you espouse.

You have been disallowed to view the occult for good reason.

You're not ready.

When you are ready (You) will allow you to find the real truth.


Best of luck, desperate sliding shill.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 12, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9588018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9938 >>3300 >>7870


>Thank you for demonstrating that you are a pagan.

You're a pagan. Everyone is a pagan. We've all always all been pagans.

We literally just discussed this.


>It is a shame that people don't read the Word of God for themselves, but instead get involved in man made religion.

He says, despite not understanding what "The Kingdom of God is within you." means…


>The truth comes through Jesus Christ, the Word of God,

The Word was brought to us by Thoth after the deluge. Humanity forgot how to use incantations and properly use spells (spells… like, you know, when you spell a word), so /ourguys/ sent a Light-controlled floating Aryan to the survivors of the Deluge to help them learn to write again and to use the Word again.

"The Word of God" is supposed to be a symbolic interpretation for permeations which affect our collective reality through invoking will to spoken thought. "God" is EL and the universe is EL-ectricity.

You would grasp these explanations if you let yourself.


>The Jews reject Jesus btw.

No shit. They've been wanting to control this plane(t) the whole damn time, which is why they invented this confusing ruse for us.

They got pissed that /ourguys/ sent one of their friends to help us all yet again and they tried to kill him for it.

Too bad for him, he didn't die and he traveled East and taught everyone the Gita.

No shit YHVH will save his children…


>A slide would imply

You sliding isn't up for debate. You have been hiding posts further up with your long bible quote spam for some time. On top of that, you purposefully explain things like a retard to try and get people to (You) you, disagreeing with what you said, so you can just spam more bible quotes like a brainlet.


>You just don't like dealing with people who disagree with you and would prefer your echo chamber.

On the contrary, I prefer people disagree with me. Us all being on the same page would be a very very bad sign.



Yeah, this is a pretty good way of explaining things. Of course the truth about the bible should fit in this thread. What we shouldn't do, though, is post a hundred times with full character limit posts full of bible quotes. They have their place, but this shill is just sliding and trying to hide valuable posts in the bread.





Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 12, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9594176   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Loud and clear, anon.



checked but you're still a faggot.


>you don't understand what Paganism is, or what Christianity is.

He said



Faith is a nice lady.

You should find her some time and catch up.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 18, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.9660643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791 >>0803 >>1018 >>7870


Yeah, I thought they were interesting anons too until they kept trying to paint me as a shill over and over again without pause.

I think they're just a limited hangout. They keep grouping things I've said in with shills, which you may not understand that I'm not a shill solely because of the fog of war. But I'd guess that you'll find out if you venture too far outside of the boundaries of discourse of this place, you too are to find that they are merely gatekeepers and will only fill you in with what they seem to grasp if it's by their rules - which aren't rules, just their preferences for how you should have things explained to you. I'm not sure if it's so they feel important or what, but either way they just seem like spooks.


I prefer a different way: I'll offer you choices to know repeatedly and layers of choice at that. Should you show interest or demonstrate your ability to comprehend ground-level material, I'd be more than happy to guide you through the rest.

Maybe I'd just be more content with them if they abandoned this paradigm and were more open to showing normies things.

Either way, I've considered there's an AI at play here, but I think the easiest explanation is that they're spooks sent here to gatekeep certain topics of conversation and it appears they flaunt certain understandings to rope in anons that have requisite knowledge, which makes them seem like they are "guides" of sorts. From what I can tell, their mimicking Q is suppose to confuse and persuade normies or newer anons in to building Ethos around their identities, which is exactly the opposite of this whole Anonymous thing we're doing here.


Either way, there are certain parts of what they say that really resonate, but once you remember that that's a very specific facet of the foundation for these types of operations, you realize that this is the exact way someone would establish credibility.

You'll note, in time, that these are the same people that have been baking with their small group of friends for quite a while now, the same people 8bit developed a grudge with.


But, hey, for all I know, they could be INT guys here to help us but keep us at arm's length. I've pondered whether or not they're actually here to just keep us focused, to give us a target to take out our impatience on, to guide us through methods we're not really privy to, all sorts of ideas, but, unfortunately, I think the easiest explanation is that they're glows who want to secure the boundaries of discourse, who want to control the kitchen so they can solely approve of who else gets to bake, what things are made notable and who want to control the discourse by way of targeted group efforts via consensus mechanisms to dissuade anons from ever developing opinions regarding the authenticity of their involvement with what anons are doing here.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 18, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.9660948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298


>after 23 posts of muh authority gatekeeping,

literally what in the fuck are you talking about?


>You pretty much lost me right there. You're at 23 posts and going back through much of what you posted you are heavily attempting to direct the discourse here. Your style never changed. You're you're authority here on everything. You seem to be projecting that others are doing exactly what you appear to be doing. Quite interesting.

I think the majority of my posts have been trying to help lead people to things I find interesting. If I'm cryptic or authoritative, that's not on purpose. I have a high post count because I think you guys have been discussing some interesting shit so far this thread.

I don't think I'm an authority on anything, but I do think I have things I can add to these conversations that could potentially interest some anons, so I've been sort of suggestive. I don't see how I'm doing what you're describing.

Besides, who are you defending, exactly?


>Wait a second didnt you say the same thing in the last thread? What's funny is that those anons have never baked here, or any of the research threads that Q posts in. What is even funnier is that they have been collecting evidence the entire time of the shills who have been copying them attempting to project it. You know, which is what you are doing right now.

Nah, "Doc" is one of the main guys. They shorten "Doctor Strange", which is what one of the truthlegion guys is calling himself and having his friends call him.

This is sort of a convenient response…


>So you're dominating the post counts here, directing the conversations, and trying to stop anons from looking deeper. Top kek is that everything you just projected can all be disproved over there. Also love how you tried to infiltrate and cause division, like you are doing now. You were trying to suck up and it failed. Then when you were caught in your lies and double talk you flipped and started screaming that they were the bakers union when in reality they are exposing them at every turn.

None of this is true:

There are 139 UIDs here. My having 20 of the posts isn't really that big of a deal.

I'm not "directing the conversations" because I haven't gotten a ton of responses. If I'm "directing" anything at all, it's only unwittingly.

I'm certainly not trying to stop anyone at all from looking deeper. We should all lay everything out in the open and try to find what we would enjoy finding and I have no issue with any criticism.

I've infiltrated nothing at all and the only division I think I've caused was reactionary to when those guys tried to claim I'm a whole list of other people…

I never tried to suck up to anyone, but I will admit I felt several people out, which I think was enjoyable at least intellectually, if nothing else.

Finally, no one ever caught me in any "lies" and this is totally untrue garbage.


>So anons dont have the choice on their own? Why do you have to be the one to offer choice?

It's funny how you didn't include the other part of the quote…

I'm saying I'd love to show you guys what I know, but not if it's unsolicited. This is why I keep leading you guys on through cryptic symbolism and curious questions. If you don't want to know, by all means, ignore me.

This actually explains why I'm not hopping IPs like a lot are here… which sort of brings me to another point: if I wanted to crack consensus and if I didn't want to be filtered so easily, I would use more than one IP which I'm totally capable of doing. This way, if you don't like what I say, you can easily filter me and we can all move on.


>Always lording over the rest of the anons as "muh authority". As you have so many times before. Your style never changed.

Again, this is to filter out unsolicited information dumps. I'd enjoy the thought of being able to explain what I know to you guys, even if I know absolute dogshit compared to you (this is how you learn, bucko). If you don't want me to explain more of what I find interesting about the topic(s) at hand, simply don't respond.


Man, you guys sure are using a lot of spin against me. I didn't think I was a big deal to you.

If I'm so annoying, please just filter me.

If you think I'm projecting, that's fine too. I know I'm not and it won't displease me if you continue to accuse me of this, but I will explain what I think I've found regardless of whether or not you prefer me to do something else.

Now, please hop to another IP really quickly so you can crack consensus just like you do pretty much every other time.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 18, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.9661122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All you can do is suggest I'm someone else.

The vast majority of those posts are someone else entirely.

I agreed with what was mine and was upfront about that and then they kept trying to pin other things on me.


>they called you out at the time for flipping and starting to scream they are the baker shills from here


Also, I'm not even the one that first said they were the baker union guys.


All you guys ever do is gaslight me…


It's almost like you don't have another play.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 18, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.9666051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8658 >>0188 >>1434 >>9351


No, we were talking about the group that controls the main research bread.




There's more on these topics in the Library of Alexandria file(s) if you ever come across them.

I've also recently found this if it ever comes back online.

It seems you guys would also enjoy both of those directories quite a bit if you can find them.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 19, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.9671715   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, the files weren't all captured and instead only the ones that were in the immediate directory were saved. The waybackmachine didn't go down through each library and capture those.

The important one, I would guess, would have been the one about Sirius, as that would have explained a bit about what I've tried to bring up several times.

I'll try to recover those files, but I can't promise anything. If anyone else would like to try, I would guess you guys would think it'd be worth it to see that library at least.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 19, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9671902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260

I'm not having a whole lot of luck, but I did find this:


From the ones that actually were saved, these ones could be interesting: Knight - Who Built the Moon (pdf) - roflcopter2110 [WWRG].pdf VELIKOVSKY - Earth in Upheaval.346 pages.pdf

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 21, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.9697531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8874 >>7870


><The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be. - Q

Good thing I'm not on your faggot team.


Light will consume all of us either way.

You can sit there and ensure that anons don't pay attention to what I say, or we can prosper in each other's presence.


You had a choice to play nice with me and you instead chose to attempt to get everyone to think I'm a shill.

You consistently take like three posts I've made and conflate what I say with other anons who you want to be the same people so they're easier to attack.


Again, none of us are this stupid.

Now, go back to Reddit.

Anonymous ID: daa2dc June 21, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.9703162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4754




Light and its Shadow must conjoin once again to restore harmony to the heart, to Horus.

Until they do, both sides will struggle for Power and neither will find it.

Only when they learn to work together will they prosper.


As such, those from below rise along The Ladder and some make their stop here. In so doing, many get lost along the way and are falsely convinced that Light must be devoured to conjure the next realm.

Little do they know, energy (light) is eternal. You know as well as I - old things never die.