>Sandia's telepathy primer
I have never encountered this document before, very interesting, thank you for sharing. Very much syncs up with some of my own observations and personal discoveries, which is always fun. I have always found that learning to tell the difference between what an 'external thought' and a native/original thought is for you personally is the key to unlocking the rest of the telepathy puzzle. For what it's worth (and since I didn't see it directly addressed in that document while skimming) my experience has been that 'external thoughts' (communications received) are more difficult to correct or 're-word.' Think about it like writing a paper, or a nice well-researched post where you might go back and change the way a sentence (thought) is arranged to make it flow better or more accurately portray an idea. Those are 'internal thoughts,' native to you. You are building them, so you can change them at will. External thoughts are a package sent to you pre-made, you can't just swap out the parts or the order as easily as you could with the thoughts not-yet-assembled. Perceptive or attentive entities may remark or react to an attempt to alter their communications (twisting their words) in this way.
>it’s all the mind nigga
"Multiplayer solipsism" is the best description for the universe I have yet to find wording for.