Anonymous ID: 5841b1 May 22, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.9283680   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm beginning to think she thought she was going to get a big pallet of money from the federal government, but instead got a rapid response from POTUS and the Army Corp of Engineers.

Which she then needed to get "creative" in her approach to score federal funding like a crack-head-whore

So, she had to kill a bunch of elderly,to inflate the death toll, which she could then use as reason to continue lockdowns, and try to scheme up moar ways to ruin everyone's lives just to get her power-fix on

And probably blew up a dam to buy moar time, and get moar crack-whore on

But POTUS was all like, Army Corp of Engineers can rebuild bridges, too, ya know!

And then Dana was all like, "You're not welcome in MY state, Trunk", I'm be a suber-bitch and let Whitler do whatever she wants, while I try to score Soros cash, and label all the Q'noners and Trunk s'porters and barbers in Michigan as "thought criminals"


Fuckin A, do I hate my life

But a big Thank You for the Good Women and Men who do actually be 'bout it, 'bout it.

Anonymous ID: 5841b1 May 22, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.9283740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>sorry to say I think Diddy mean Biden will have to buy the black vote, which means people like Sean

You caught that, too, huh?

Yeah. I'm real skeptical of Mr.-I-get-to-fuck-14-year-old-kids-cause-I'm-Sean-Puffy-Combs

P.S.-Dude done kiilt Biggie, over $300K and a pass for him from the west coast

Piece of fucking SHIT, scum