Anonymous ID: 855705 Sept. 20, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.10726223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6474



I agree with you but you are leaving out the papacy. Papal Rome took over from pagan Rome and dark occultism flows from it like rivers of filth. They absorbed all of the mystery schools and occult sects going all the way back to Babylon. One world empire was built upon another all the way down to Rome, which then transferred the throne of Caesar to the Popes. It is the central power that Satan works through.


The historicist eschatology of the reformers, the traditional protestant view of prophecy, has identified the papacy as the biblical anti-Christ for over 500 years. It is what the bible teaches, why is it that so many are blinded? Rome's prelates have been caught raping children all over the world, laundering mafia money, subverting politics, wars, crusades, inquisitions, frauds, drugs, orgies, cover-ups, scandal after scandal, but still people believe the pope when he pretends to represent God and claims authority from the fraud of apostolic succession. Why?


If people will not believe what the bible teaches about the anti-Christ can they not at least condemn them for their crimes against humanity?