Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 6, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.10201505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1637


Highly doubtful it’s real, the scale of the missile/bomb looks wrong.

The explosion took place on the far side of those grain solos, which are at least 100ft tall. The projectile is way too big in the foreground to have struck behind those silos.

Even if you’re talking a medium sized IRBM launched from several hundred kms away only a warhead would impact.

If it was a laser guided bomb its still way too large in the picture to be one.

Tried isolating the frame but it’s very hard to do it casually without editing software.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 6, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10201637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Expanded the title frame, the projectile is too high res and sharp compared to everything else in the picture which means it was overlaid into the frame.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 8, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.10224187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And the Liberal's carousel keep's going round and round.

We have an ethically brain dead government in power.


Trudeau government paying $84M to firm employing Katie Telford's husband to manage rent assistance aid program.


"The PMO says Telford had nothing to do with the contract between Robert Silver’s firm and a federal crown corporation"

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 9, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.10239026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>2043 >>1536 >>0488 >>6854


Trump needs to unveil the Uranium One deal to the public ASAP and Trudeau's role in it, followed by sanctions on Canada to force the Canadian public to take action in removing that parasite.

I know it will hurt us economically but Trudeau is still leader of a sovereign nation and can't simply be arrested by the US. When TSHTF on U1 he'll use his position as PM to evade direct arrest by American authorities(it would be a major international incident should the US try to send operators into Canada to take down Trudeau and ship him south).


It's unknown if the opposition parties can combine to strip him of his powers(the NDP almost certainly wouldn't go along with it because there leader is almost as corrupt as Trudeau and would offer to support him for a price).

It's almost certain that the backroom DS supporters of Trudeau within the Liberal Party will refuse to arrest Trudeau and put him on trial or extradite him to the US and might even back his stance to face down the US in a political showdown.


And before someone says he's already under house arrest, there is no clear evidence that Trudeau is under house arrest at this moment, that is all supposition and conjecture.

It is certain that Canada is key to the DS fallback and escape plan, along with New Zealand, and the DS will go underground here before fleeing elsewhere.

There are a lot of places to hide in a country the size of Canada and I'm certain that plans were put in place to "host" the upper echelons of the Deep State should they require refuge from the US in times of emergency.

Things might get messy enough in Canada to cause it to split up, most Western Canadians have no love of Trudeau but his power base in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa might refuse to remove him from office.

I really hope when the hammer drops everything about Trudeau and the elite politicians in government come out, Canada needs a political enema…

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 10, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.10247014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9266 >>9826 >>4646 >>0488 >>6854


Trudeau is the perfect Deep State puppet because he's absolutely a moron and can be intimidated/blackmailed into doing whatever the DS wants. The only reason why Trudeau is still in power is that anyone other than Trudeau would not be that easy to control so they spend some extra effort to protect him.

The downside with having Trudeau in power is because he is really that stupid, he's brought more attention and "heat" to the PM's office than any other PM in the past 40 years with his retarded scandals.


The Sherman murders will never be tied back to Trudeau (at least publicly) because every inquiry and every investigation will go nowhere, the evidence is now gone(if there were any) and anyone who knows anything will have been eliminated or wisely keeps their mouth shut.


The escape plan is the only reason why Canada is important to the DS, having a puppet which will assert the national sovereignty of Canadian soil is a very important part of the plan to act as a shield and buy time for their escape.

I think there is already a prepared location/bunker somewhere in the country, far enough away from most of the population that no questions will be asked. My guess is that it will be an old Cold War bunker or site which "officially" has been decommissioned but unofficially still exists and is being supplied and run by DS operatives and has a decommissioned airfield nearby.


I think the escaping DS elites know they're being monitored and tracked and any moves by them during the indictment/arrest phase will trigger their being tracked and border stations automatically sealed. Of course with the enormous border I would suspect the DS trash would not book a trip on a major airline but have private planes on standby. Once the hammer drops they may bugout to the nearest small airport and board their transport to try and quietly slip across the border along unmonitored border zones in Canada. You can spoof transponder ID's and basically fly under the radar into Canada, especially in the areas from Western Ontario to BC where there are miles of unwatched wilderness

Planefags would know this is true, air smuggling is still a thing in Canada though not publicized.


The upgrading of the cottage instead of the Sussex Drive residence is because the official residence is heavily monitored and bugged by both sides. Most people would not have expected Trudeau to relocate to the cottage on a semi-permanent basis and it offers some "privacy" the official residence doesn't. The money spent would probably have been for better security and anti-surveillance measures and secure comms for Trudeau.


If Trudeau had any brain cells he would realize he's highly expendable and already knows too much and is connected to the Clintons and the Cabal through U1,the kind of people who don't like to leave live witnesses around once their usefulness comes to an end.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 12, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.10268196   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Jameet “MontyHall” Singh is already seeking to make a deal to gain some policy concessions for the NDP, who are proving themselves the auxiliary party of the Liberals.

Trudeau, Morneau and Telford will never resign they have the system rigged in their favour with the NDP in their back pocket.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 14, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.10293134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China maybe getting desperate but not that stupid(yet) as to put PLA personnel directly in Canada, especially ones which could be identified as such.

I can see them making such a move if the US were to open a military base in Taiwan (which the CCP would consider tantamount to invasion).

I don't think China has reached the point of doing something so openly provocative, if the public can see it then the American Intel services would already know about it.

No way that the Canadian people would allow Trudope and the Liberals to ignore such a provocation and sweep it under the rug.

The bad PR from such a stunt would be enormous and put the US on a very alert position plus which would cause many other countries to tighten up security so it would be a counterproductive move.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 21, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.10371880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Although a good initiative I think think this ‘crowdsourced’ investigative effort will not be all that successful. Mainly because 99% of people wouldn’t know what they were looking for and what constitutes proof of wrongdoing in a legal sense. I think there will be many false positives and from what I’ve seen many redacted sections with missing information.

Digging for proofs to wake up people and generate memes are what Anons are good at but what Rempel is asking for is both very vague and confusing.

What is needed are professionally trained experts in corporate governance looking through these documents as if doing a forensic accounting investigation, which is what the ethics office was doing before the hammer fell.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 21, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.10373983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The $900 million is the money to be paid out to student applicants, the $12 million was the administration management fee paid to the WE organization.

So the cost of admin would be $600 per placement.

Anonymous ID: caabae Aug. 30, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.10473603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4119


What surprises me is that there aren’t more BLM/Antifa riots in Canada.

I suspect it’s because the Deep State rats in the US don’t want to make Canada a hotspot so they can quietly retreat here and go underground when Trump gets his 2nd term.

Trudeau has tried to make Canada susceptible to takeover and full infiltration for the past 5 years, he’s had mixed results but that won’t stop his DS handlers from using Canada as a fallback position and lifeboat from their failure in the US.