Yes absolve yourself of all responsibility. Gotta be Q who rescues you. Cant do it yourself. Not your fault he is there in the first place. You were fooled, shenanigans, earthquakes, tsunamis, cats sleeping with dogs…..
>What's 78% of 68%?
The question is "What percentages are better than the American voting percentages?"
Also illegal to wear one when you CnC I believe.
>Burning it faster than it's created means it will run out.
Which you dont know is or is not happening either.
>Pressure and time.
>We are burning it faster than it's being created.
Again, which you do not know is or is not happening. Neither do I btw, but I also dont worry if I can find a roll of toilet paper and thus shit whenever I want.
>Not sure how much more of this bullshit this anon can take. In my phone call with mother today, she told she doesn't think we'll see each other for a couple years. The conversation went downhill from there. I love her to death, but she is ignorant of the facts and simply regurgitates msm. I just want to throw in the towel.
So go see her.
>She wears a mask IN THE HOUSE. Brother and sis in law live 5 miles from her, haven't seen her since late March. We are in a different state, visit three times a year. Our April vaca was canned. She's digging her own grave.
I guess I am just more stubborn than you. Our differences are what makes us unique.
>See you next bread, nonstopargumentshill.
Says the guy who cant admit what he does not know.
>Don't give up ground to the shills. Patriots own the bread; shills are invading our home turf and should be (strategically) faced head on.
>The city of Somerville has broadened the definition of domestic partnership to include relationships between three or more adults, expanding access to health care.
Voted in by the people for the people!
The Netherlands?
Am aware, been there twice. Love that town. But what connection is it you are trying to point out.