>Proud to be serving with my fellow patriotic Americans along with anyone else who values freedom.
Chippin' in muh buck-0-five
>Proud to be serving with my fellow patriotic Americans along with anyone else who values freedom.
Chippin' in muh buck-0-five
>I am terrified of fucking them up with homeschooling, but I can't see any other way now. I can't do worse… right?
You have no idea how many bull shit lies they force children to "learn" in "democrat" controlled public "education" indoctrination camps.
I'm not ready to get started on this subject right now, cause I'll likely get pissed, rather quickly.
Just know they are "teaching" a curriculum that was design to destroy the very fabric of our once great society. It's scary because many of the individuals that are know "teaching" the children have fully embraced the faulty concept/ideology to where many don't even realize how or why the information is completely incorrect. And if anyone tries to challenge, they just come off like that person isn't "an expert", then point to d-bags like dr fauxi or whoever. My heart weeps for humanity everyday of my existence after finding out just how many lies I was led to believe…
>I can do this!
Yes you can!
Teach them about the Electric Universe and they will be MILES ahead of the mainstream.
There's a serious discussion that never got re-visited, between uniformitarianism and catastrophism. Darwin was a uniformitarian, but a lot of his concepts are false and can never be proven scientific fact, because the concepts require MILLIONS of years, which have yet to observe, and too many things can not be tested beyond shaky theory. Catastrophism was incredibly based, because there is actual observable evidence that hints at catastrophic events in the not so distant past. Furthermore, there are multiple accounts of catastrophic events in a variety of texts, symbols, cultures, religions, etc. found around the world. Additionally, experiments using electricity can be scaled in a manner that allows for testing of a variety of situations that may be relevant to the scientific discussion. Where uniformitarians fall short of any reasonable explanations for a variety of things, it is really only a matter of time before catastrophists bring forth enough evidence to overthrow critical flaws of the past because Truth will always be on their side