>>9851184 pb
Loyala was a Jew, working under Vatican, created the Jesuits who began falsifying all data, science, and history in the counter-reformation to prop up the Pope. Take it further to the Zionist movement of the Rothschilds in mid-late 1800's, & the publication of the Scofield Ref "bible" printed and promoted by the Oxford Univ Press - you know the one Rhodes left a trust to turn all nations back to Great Britain.
The Scofield vs of the Bible ran a commentary throughout that taught Ribera's futurist view of a return of Christ to earth to make the Jews the top most nation on earth… which view is never mentioned or prophesied in the Bible. They have convinced many so-called Christians that they have to support the "state" of Israel for Christ's supposed return to earth.
Revelation was not about the end of the entire world, nor was it about setting up an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem. All of that is false, but all of that is being used to determine political state foreign policy to strip America of money and send arms to the "state" of Isreal.
Revelation was the prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem and that animal sacrificial temple which became obsolete when Christ became the last sacrifice which God would ever accept for remission of sins.
Think critically - 1 Pet. 1:19-20 written approx. 64 - 66 AD -
"9 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 20 He was destined before the foundation of the world but was made manifest at the end of the times for your sake." (RSV)
When was Christ made manifest on earth? 1st cent. AD. So when were the "last times"? If A = B, & B = C, then A must = C.
Christ was manifested in the 1st cent. AD, and Christ was manifested in the "last times", then the last times occurred in the 1st cent. AD. They were never defined as the end of all time, but only the last times of that animal sacrificial temple in Jerusalem.
We don't need to support the Rothschild created "state" of Israel. God destroyed that nation & temple in AD 70 because it was evil, and no longer necessary. The USA has been forced by the cabal to send money & arms to "Israel" for almost 100 years, and all of the wars of the ME in the 20th cent. are directly related to "state" of Israel.
Christ rules over all of the nations of the earth. His kingdom is the everlasting kingdom, and it resides in the hearts of all who love Him. (Luke 17:20-21)
See scriptural proof: https://shreddingtheveil.org/2017/02/23/the-signs-of-revelation-part-i-the-time-of-his-coming/