Anonymous ID: 97e75b July 4, 2020, 4:15 a.m. No.9852195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2286 >>2462 >>2492 >>2558

CNN described Mount Rushmore as a “monument of two slave owners” on “land wrestled [sic] away from Native Americans” ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit there on Friday.

But in 2008, CNN marveled at the landmark when then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) visited Rushmore on the campaign trail.

In 2008, CNN anchor Ron Marciano said: “Barack Obama is campaigning in South Dakota. That state’s primary is Tuesday. Obama arrived there late last night and got a good look around Mt. Rushmore — it’s quite a sight if you haven’t seen it.”

Fellow anchor Betty Nguyen added: “Barack Obama is in South Dakota today. He arrived there last night. Take a look at this. He got a good glimpse of the majestic Mount Rushmore. Well, South Dakota and Montana have closed out the primary season on Tuesday.”

But on Friday, CNN described Rushmore in less glowing terms.

Senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns said:

[A]t a time of racial unease, when protesters are tearing down statues of slaveholders and calling for the names of Confederate generals to be removed from army bases, the Rushmore event is a reminder that Trump is fighting to preserve these relics of heritage and history that some see as symbols of oppression. And to indigenous people, Mt. Rushmore, with four white presidents, two of whom were slave owners, is one of those symbols.

Anonymous ID: 97e75b July 4, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.9852205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Samantha Marika is a rising star in the conservative movement. Her common sense approach to slicing through the political smokescreens put forth by the left have helped her to build a strong following on most social media channels. But it’s her videos that are getting the most attention as she stares into her cell phone while delivering hard-hitting truth bombs.

The latest video from the patriot who describes herself as “Just another black female conservative” is titled “Black Lives Matter Movement is a Psychological Operation.” Those who aren’t familiar with her may expect some right-wing conspiracy theory based on the title, but what she delivers is a series of facts that culminate in a shocking and honest proclamation.

“You can say, ‘Oh this isn’t about the racial divide, that’s not true,'” she said. “Then ask yourself this one question. Every time in history that we’ve had very powerful people preaching about racial unity, people that could not be bought, why have they all been assassinated?”

It’s a seriously solid question. From Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr to Mahatma Gandhi to Robert Kennedy, leaders who attempted to unite their divided nations were murdered in the process. Why? Marika has a theory.

“Because the racial divide keeps the Deep State, keeps the Democrats alive. It’s the truth.”

Clearly, Gandhi wasn’t killed by a “Democrat” but his nation’s variation. Kennedy was likely a victim of the Deep State. Both Lincoln and King were paragons of the Republican Party. It would seem Marika’s theory makes sense.

As long as there is division, the Democrats have a platform on which to stand. That’s why they engage in identity politics first and foremost in all of their modern attempts at winning elections. Without it, they’d cease to exist.