Anonymous ID: 03966f July 4, 2020, 6:53 a.m. No.9852938   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two popular bars in downtown Minneapolis are shutting their doors after surging violence in the city has made it impossible to stay open.


Just lask week a mass shooting took place outside one of the bars.



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The bars say the reason that they’re closing is due to the “failure of city leadership to adequately respond to surging violence in the city.”


“After Midnight Group” who owns and operates the two bars announced that Cowboy Jack’s and Cowboy Slim’s will close after they’ve “experienced violence, vandalism, and unsafe working conditions.” They also made it clear that they’ve never received any assurances of safety from city officials.


From The Blaze


Owners said the bars would only reopen if city leaders enact a plan that “curbs the violence happening in the streets.”


The announcement came less than a week after one person was killed and another 11 were injured in a shooting that took place near Cowboy Slim’s.


Bar owners said they reached out to city leaders — Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is a Democrat, and 12 of the city council’s 13 members are Democrats — after the incident to hear how they planned to curb the violence.


However, the city had no plan, the owners said, instead advising the business to “educate patrons and staff on the lack of safety provided and the dangers that lie outside the doors,” KMSP-TV reported.


The move leaves approximately 250 workers without jobs — at least temporarily.


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The same city officials who have abandoned business owners just voted to end the police department, and also used taxpayer funds to pay for their own “private security.”


Useless and dangerous city officials. I hope the people of Minneapolis wake up and vote out these idiots.


Hopefully, these bars can move to a new Republican-run city that actually cares about “law and order” and isn’t trying to protect criminals.

From June 29 But I never saw it