Safe to say that anyone pushing BLM is influenced by those seeking more D party funding?
Can't legitimize biden winning if no one donate anything.
You ain't black if you don't give money to the descendant of slave owners.
Safe to say that anyone pushing BLM is influenced by those seeking more D party funding?
Can't legitimize biden winning if no one donate anything.
You ain't black if you don't give money to the descendant of slave owners.
Grammar cat on the last sentence?
>America can be what we make of it.
Wow, that's inspirational and not an attempt at disregarding what the founders of the USA stood for.
Nah, most likely epstein is dead.
The arrests of the clint0ns will awaken the world to the fact that the 'conspiracy theories' of child sacrifices by the Hwood elite and politicians/past presidents are true.
Less rosy world, but corruption will be able to be cleared out when people are awake to the fact that evil has attempted to take total control.
Timing is everything. There is no way any patriot wants wars and child sacrifices to dictate their future, so these people will be stopped.
Wasn't possible before because of how entrenched the corruption had become.
msm is mind control, it pretends to be the voice of the majority, but if it was, then why would anyone need the msm, the majority would already know what's what.
HRC wants America to become a lawless country from where she can escape justice.
That's basically it.
They weren't earning money murdering babies, because they called them 'products of conception'.
Classic jewry.
Greenhouse gasses, made to sound horrible, when in fact they make plants grow.
Whole idea with the climate hoax is the same ideas as the holocaust hoax it is to scare people into thinking that humans are evil and bad for nature.
Why are people even sending their kids to school?
If they worked at a farm, lived by a forest, tried to become self sustainable, they would learn something, rather than get jewish indoctrination as to why they need jewish indoctrination.
Is 'free' masonry the idea that you can try to model reality in such a way as to know where things are heading and work in congruence with that, rather than be worked by it?
First off, you didn't need to misrepresent what I said and pretend to quote me.
China had no interest in spying or doing anything against Americans, Europeans or anyone else.
They has the thousands of years of culture, so they had figured out how to survive so long that they were doing great.
The jews hated that, since there was no need for them to feel forced to build israel, so they corrupted the country with degeneracy.
jews forced their religious offshoot on them, introduced degeneracy, drugs, started wars, famines, epidemics, anything to destabilize the country enough for people to lose sense of the world and what their ancestors had built for their descendants, to instead become slaves to the jewish narrativeโฆ exactly what they are doing all over the world right now.
It's the jews, practicing jewry, oon humans that can't understand anyone acting so inhumane, because jews believe they gain something from being unscrupulous, when in fact jews are just proving themselves the enemy of humanity.