Anonymous ID: 5d0cd2 Aug. 2, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.10165084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9928 >>7640


Those dialogues went for years. At first I wanted to know about God, why He allowed wars and what was the purpose of life. They told me everything, but its hard sometimes to truly know what is just wishful thinking from what is real.

They told me a different concept of God and about our origin. An alien race in our development stage came here. There was humanoids here at the time and they mixed the human dna with theirs. I know Sitchin wrote about that, but it was before the internet and I never had read anything about any of this before.

They didnt fully understood what they were creating, about souls and evolution. The relationship with humans and aliens wasn't a consense. Some treated humans with respect while others thought we were slightly above animals. There was a war and they decided to leave but some of them didn't agree with this and stayed behind. Those evil ones kept us under control, they were always behind the religions and at places of power.

When they told me that, I developed an urge to try to wake people up. I thought if people could only understand the reality we could be free. They never told me to attempt this, and that Jesus had come here and that didn't work out. That several souls from space were here to try to help, star seeds. They told me I would experience some kind of separation, and that I would be alive to witness a new and better world. but that I (or anyone else) wouldn't be able to "force" anyone to wake up.

As I never truly believed in all this I tried to understand everything. I did study budhism, yogue philosophy, zen, I read a lot and meditated, some esoteric things. I tried to help people, I searched inside myself, my feelings I understood a lot of things but was never a holy

person. I always thought I was an alien incarnated, I just knew too much, I did remember parts of my past lives. I felt I was so different from everyone else but always kept doubting if I was imagening everything. They told me that my doubts would put everything at stakes as I kept doubting myself.

They tried several times to change things, a lot of enlightened souls came to earth to try to bring light. They tried direct contact with governments, with germans, but they didn't understood. The USA thought Germany had an agreement with them and made one with grays. Technology for allowing abductions. They told me about free will and how they manipulated our minds in order for us to believe in everything they wanted.

They never gave me a date, just that I would witness all this in my life time. I thought that maybe it would happen in 2012. They never gave me too much details about what would happen, never gave me names of races or of themselves. but sometimes I think we are going to live in another earth. The ones awakened will start a new world in an 5th dimension earth. The ones too deeply sleeping will remain here in a even darker earth. But the decision will always be ours. I'm sorry if this seems confused I tried to talk a little about everything. And ty for being kind…