Truth Seeker ID: 02ce48 Aug. 13, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.4530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sounds to this anon like a big, BIG hint.

Especially with the recent historic run-ups

in the precious metals.

Will Donald Trump be restoring constitutional money?

Are the precious metals, and those who trade them, sniffing out a major change?



Drug companies, which are being forced by me to substantially reduce Drug Prices, are taking $millions in ads saying I want to increase Medicare Primiums. Wrong, just the opposite! These ads show DRUG PRICES ARE GOING DOWN, and they are not happy! False advertising!

7:56 AM · Aug 13, 2020 PDT


Charts for 10 year prices


"Primiumis a metal made from alchemically purifiedsilver and gold. It retains the mystical properties of both of those metals to harm changing breeds harmed by such metals, and it also contains anti-magical properties to cancel supernatural or magical attacks and defenses. Very few Mage groups have the knowledge to be capable of creating the expensive metal: Iteration X Sons of Ether Knights …""primium"


Few anons remember, but gold and silver are the only constitutional money. Everything else is just IOUs.


Did POTUS have someone search the web for the phrase "gold and silver" and locate this made-up word "primium" as a way to drop a hint?