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As I laid out in several key articles, proper procedures of viral discovery were never carried out in China or anywhere else. There is no convincing proof researchers ever found a new virus.
Therefore, every piece of so-called information coming from “new virus” has no foundation whatsoever. For example, the diagnostic tests. Tests for what? And then, the case numbers would be meaningless as well.
But again, these facts are hard for people to swallow. They want to believe. They believe they must believe. It’s a theocracy.
In the set-up, there are two positions you can take. You can stand outside the whole illusion and expose it; or you can enter the illusion and then show internal contradictions and lies and false pictures, within the fraud.
For instance, the case numbers. I’ve explained ways the CDC and other agencies are fiddling them, inflating them. I’ve also stood outside the whole case number game and pointed out it’s without meaning, because, again, the existence of a new virus hasn’t been proven. The tests, all of them, are supposed to be evidence of the presence of the virus.
You can be OUTSIDE or INSIDE. Or both.
Speaking of teachings—one of the most important predispositions that people cling to like life rafts is: one effect, one cause. The effect would be COVID-19, and the cause would be the coronavirus. But the effect is not One Thing. As I stated above, people are actually dying as a result of different conditions…which have different causes. Grasping this produces a very beneficial explosion that scatters much mind control.
Another predisposition is the illogical notion that the effect proves the cause. “Well, look at the all the lockdowns (effect); therefore, the cause, the justification must be the dangerous virus.” Nonsense. Aristotle exposed that fallacy a long time ago.
An investigation of a story makes the story fall apart. You see it in a different light. You no longer believe the central narrative. You keep asking deeper questions about basic assertions contained in the story, and your answers produce more collapses of the cement that holds the story together.
Finally, for now, there is the matter of individual choice and responsibility. Individuals can believe or not believe. There is always that option. People are not doomed to accept an oppressive narrative imposed on them. If that were the case, there would be no point to human thought or action. We would forever be victims. This is not the case. It never was. Some people are dedicated to the notion that there is no way out of the dungeon of external control. Their dedication to this proposition has great tonnage. For them.
They purposely ignore the fact that, down through history, there has been an enormous struggle to establish individual freedom, and this war has been astonishingly successful—relative to older despotisms and tyrannies. In fact, their choice, now, to walk around spraying doom of whatever brand they want to sell is evidence of that freedom. I’m not impressed by doom. I’m impressed by freedom. We are in yet another fight for it now. I’m impressed by individuals who use their freedom to make their best vision into fact in the world. My investigations are aimed at exposing the power players who plot and fight against freedom.