Truth Seeker ID: 4cc828 TICKET TO FREEDOM Nov. 9, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.6665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


by Aspen – ABCU|8 staff writer


The war is on! In case you had not noticed.

The prize being fought over? You! Your mind. Your beliefs. Your loyalty to an idea – THEIR idea.

What's at stake? Only your freedom.


Their weapons? Fake news. Narratives. False reporting. Pretense. Indoctrination. Repetition.

Insidious psychological weapons. Some overt, some subtle.

Echo Chamber: reinforces beliefs by repetition inside a closed system

It's a game with a high ante. The big players are all in.

The venue: Mass media. Entertainment programming. TV news. Social media.

Why are polls emphasized?

Is it human nature to go along with the majority to feel accepted?


What if the enemy could win without kinetic weapons?

Lure the slaves into their cages. Make them long for their chains.

It sounds too easy. Who would fall for that?

Very sophisticated optical illusions.

Reinforced by constant repetition.

Bombarding you from every side.

They want you to be comfortable in the mental cage prepared for your capture.

Beware! Because the trap is already set. Steel jaws dripping with honeyed poison may snap shut at any moment.

There's no time to waste! Don't hesitate. Do you hear the sirens screaming? Distance yourself from mainstream media! Get away!


How do you resist? Or even fight back?

You must become aware of their tactics.

You must reject the poison.

You must think for yourself.

You must elevate your view.

You are the MAJORITY - by far - and GROWING.

FAKE NEWS' purpose is to project FALSE NARRATIVES.

Get your feet out of the swamp!


Come aboard the resistance!

Shun the glossy fake news and its robotic chorus of talking heads.

They are actors reading a script, paid to portray sincerity.

Shun the mass brainwashing.

What is projected by the MSM?

LIES becomes TRUTHS.


Smoke & Mirrors

You are the MAJORITY.



Do not be lulled by cheap sound bites, like fast food that gratifies without satisfying.

Reject quick takes and easy answers.

Mind-candy is not spiritual comfort food!

Drill deeper to penetrate their flimsy canvas of lies.

Take nothing at face value. Question relentlessly.

Lift the veil!


Find any bit of truth that MSM refuses to cover.

Grab that ticket to freedom.

Use it to check out from the prison.

Did you know that dwelling there is voluntary?


Now sift the truth from the lies.

Ask yourself, if this is true, then WHY does MSM refuse to mention it?

Delve into motivations.

This will illuminate one strut of the cage.


Seek ideas that clash with the narrative.

Not all all true – so evaluate each one in the privacy of your mind.

Pry off the zombie tentacles. See a shackle, take it off!

Let my people GO!


Whatever truths you have found - grasp them tightly!

Then you will not be swept away by the tsunami of lies.

Over time, you become impervious to liars.

You are an independent thinker!


Each truth is a beacon of clarity.

The spotlight of truth shuts down fearmongers' indignant cries.

Fake News lost its authority long ago.

Each lie we catch them in, diminishes them.

As morning sun dispels a chilly mist

Bring truth, and the illusion fails.


That’s the ticket!

Truth Seeker ID: 4cc828 BIRTH PANGS OF THE NATIONAL PSYCHE Nov. 11, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.6700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Birth Pangs of the National Psyche

by Aspen, ABCU|8 staff writer


The aftermath of a disputed presidential election is a bitter red pill. Hundreds of instances of ballot fraud have been documented. [1, 5] Numerous lawsuits are pending [4]. Yet Big Tech takes sides against facts with a warning label: "This claim about election fraud is disputed!" [2]


No one is comfortable right now. The unsettled feeling pervades our waking hours, while sleep provides no relief. But the profound discomfort signals a sea change that could bring a new tide of free thought and optimism.


Don't believe me? Surveys reveal that early voters regret their vote for Joe Biden, after hearing about million-dollar payments to the Biden family from China, Russia, and Ukraine via Hunter Biden. [6] These voters say they would change their vote to Trump if it were possible. Others stubbornly cling to the notion, promoted uniformly by TV anchors, that a candidate who often can't even formulate a sentence is better qualified to conduct America's foreign affairs than a successful, high-energy businessman whose aura often flashes genius.


According to Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the hatchet-job to wreck Donald Trump's reputation began long before his inauguration: "Compare that to the September CIA memo to the FBI suggesting that Hillary Clinton signed off on a plan to link Trump to Russia, to draw attention away from her email server problem. This is our CIA telling the FBI they have credible information and investigative leads that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, is trying to link Trump to Russia for political purposes and the FBI apparently threw it in the garbage can. Christopher Steele, who was on the payroll of Fusion GPS, who was on the payroll of the Democratic party, provided a dossier that used a Russian source suspected of being a Russian agent years before, that turned out to be a bunch of garbage. The whole idea of Trump/Russia connections was not real, it was manufactured in part by Christopher Steele, and the FBI bought it hook, line and sinker. When the CIA sends information to the FBI that they have intelligence that Hillary Clinton signed off on a plan to connect Trump to Russia to divert attention from her, nobody at the FBI did a damn thing about it." [8]


What does it mean when the facts don't square with our beliefs? What if some of the alleged facts are true? What if some of our most trusted news sources have been paid to promote an agenda? If the Biden family could be working for Chinese Communists, who else might be?


This disturbing feeling is cognitive dissonance. What if some of our trusted news sources are actually black hats working to undermine America? Recall the Matrix movie:


"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it." [3]


Our belief systems are threatened. It is natural to automatically reject new information that contradicts long-held ideas. It doesn't take a Matrix argument to understand why America is undergoing collective birth pangs. Painful circumstances are demanding that we re-examine our entrenched beliefs. As our former world view crumbles, let us vow to replace it with a more accurate one predicated upon truth.


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  1. Election Fraud Compilation, 146 articles,

  2. Twitter labels Trump’s latest claim about election fraud as ‘disputed’ but doesn’t limit dissemination,

  3. Unforgettable Morpheus Wisdom From The Matrix,

  4. E.g.

  5. In Wisconsin, between 2 AM and 3:30 AM, the total number of votes increased by 125,000. Of these 125,000 votes, 100% were for Biden, without a single vote for President Trump recorded.

  6. Biden Crime Family: Proposed Areas of Collaboration with Chinese Communist Party,

  7. Rudy Giuliani, What I Found on Hunter's Hard Drive,

  8. Andrew McCabe Testimony to Senate Judiciary Committee, closing remarks of Lindsey Graham, 11/10/20,


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