Truth Seeker ID: 7064ad June 5, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>702


Very well done! Good content, well expressed.

Is it OK to offer a few minor corrections?


>and see that what we are being told is not true by the media.

and see that what we are being told by the media is not true.


>What do they think will happen when those businesses that are now permanently closed and will no longer provide a tax base?

What do they think will happen when those businesses that are now permanently closed ~~and~~ will no longer provide a tax base?


>never re-opneing

never re-opening


>People who work hard, do the best they can for their families are already facing very hard times,

People who work hard and do the best they can for their families are already facing very hard times,


AGAIN, GOOD WORK! Thank you!!