Truth Seeker ID: 82fbf1 June 20, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.1360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1361 >>1365

Been observing the investigation of the George Floyd incident devolve into a JFK Jr./Vincent Fusca-like game.

Will withhold further comment on those efforts other than note what Q posted recently -

>It's not what you know but what you can prove.


Weeks ago, Jesse Watters on Fox opened the door of investigation into the restaurant where they both worked. Unfortunately, very few independent investigators took the opportunity and the MSM spin machine kicked into high gear to muddy the waters.

Below is an effort to kickstart that investigation in a way that the general public can digest - limiting baseless speculation and using facts to guide the path. There is moar to this than what's below, but one step at a time.


This is a first draft, so obviously not perfect. Constructive comments & criticism are welcomed. Edits will be made to improve the piece based on feedback.


''Was There A Hidden Motivation to George Floyd's Death?''

By now, most Americans and many across the world have witnessed the video of the death of George Floyd at the apparent hands of 4 Minneapolis police officers. Far fewer are aware and even less are discussing the fact that Derek Chauvin, the cop who is charged with 2nd degree murder, and George Floyd apparently worked together at the same Minneapolis nightclub for some time.


On May 31st, podcaster Jess Fields released an hour long interview with Maya Santamaria, former owner of El Nuevo Rodeo, the restaurant/club that at one time employed both George Floyd & Derek Chauvin. [1]

On June 9th, CBS Evening News broadcasted a portion of its interviews with both Santamaria and David Pinney, a supposed co-worker of Floyd's and Chauvin's at El Nuevo Rodeo. [2]

The next morning June 10th CBS This Morning broadcast more of its interview with Pinney. [3]


At first glance, the interviews appear to corroborate both a personal beef between Chauvin & Floyd and a racial component to Chauvin's actions. However, there are a number of inconsistencies between the two accounts:


Santamaria stated at the beginning of her discussion that she wants ""to make clear that in no uncertain terms that she in no way implies that Floyd & Chauvin knew each other at all or had a working relationship or, on the contrary, that they had a beef. That would not be a fair representation.” [1 - 20:00]

CBS asked Pinney in his nationally televised interview, “Is there any doubt in your mind that Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd?” “No. He knew him,” he replied. “How well did he know him?” CBS News asked. “I would say pretty well,” Pinney replied. [2]


Santamaria stated that Chauvin's job description was making sure that patrons were safe as they entered & exited the building and that he would sit outside in his patrol car. Private security guards (like Floyd & PInney) would work the inside of the club. There would be very little overlap between the security and the off-duty cops unless a security guard had removed from a patron from the club and handed them over to the off-duty cop outside. [1]

Pinney stated that Chauvin & Floyd had a history, that "They bumped heads." "It has a lot to do with Derek being extremely aggressive inside the club with some of the patrons…which was an issue." [2]


Santamaria stated that Chauvin & Floyd "probably crossed paths on the way to my office to get paid at some point, but that doesn’t mean that they knew other. “ [1]

Pinney (& one other person that CBS spoke with) stated that the management would hand checks to the inside security guards and then it was their job to pay the off-duty officers. It was during one of those times that Chauvin & Floyd had another beef as Chauvin blamed Floyd for being underpaid. [3]


Santamaria stated that Floyd didn’t work full-time for her. He had a different job during the weekends. She would call him in when she needed extra support during the week. [1]

Pinney stated that "I knew George on a work basis," he said. "We were pretty close. When it came to our security positions, he was in charge and I worked directly below him as a security adviser." [4]


Santamaria stated that she only remembers him working in the last year or so. [1]

Pinney stated that he worked with Floyd for about five or six months in late 2015 and early 2016. [4]


Santamaria stated that she can't recall any specific racial bias by Chauvin, but “believes” he was intimidated by African-American men. She said that Chauvin had no issues with Hispanics. [1]

Pinney stated that Chauvin "was aggressive towards minority customers". [3]



Truth Seeker ID: 82fbf1 June 20, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.1361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1365



Pinney also said, "Our job, in a security position, was to hold the peace in the club and separate the guests if there was an issue. And honestly, we had very few issues when we worked together in the club."

He initially described a close bond: "It's a difference when you work side by side with somebody. Like, I see him like a brother…."

Pinney also described working with both men and said Floyd didn't want to interact with Chauvin because of Chauvin's aggressive behavior.

"…..he always showed aggression to, you know, George. So George, to keep it professional, George had me intervene and – interface with him instead of himself, just to be – just to get away from the conflict and keep it professional."

Pinney also said: "I can relate to George, how he felt. And I think that's what makes that personal bond between him and I, dealing with Derek." [4]


On June 11th, less than 48 hours after these interviews were broadcast, Pinney contacted CBS News and retracted his story.

"On Wednesday, Pinney told CBS News in an email he had confused Floyd with someone else: "There has been a mix up between George and another fellow co-worker," he wrote.

The club's former owner, Maya Santamaria, had connected Pinney with CBS News. "She specifically said she was unable to give detail information about George because she did not have a close relationship with him as I did," Pinney said in the email. He said that led to his mistake.

Pinney had also described Chauvin as "extremely aggressive within the club," a characterization he stands by. [4]


Even if one were to take the retraction at face value, it still leaves several unanswered questions.

  • If Pinney knew Floyd so well, how could he mistake him for another employee?

  • How could Santamaria's & Pinney's original takes be so widely divergent if Santamaria is the one who put Pinney in contact with CBS News?

  • Why should anyone take Pinney seriously about Chauvin's behavior after giving making such glaring errors on national TV?

  • Why should anyone take Santamaria seriously as she was the one who contacted Pinney to give his story?

  • Did Pinney retract his story after someone discovered that his take was inconsistent with Santamaria's?

  • Was this an effort to cement a narrative of Derek Chauvin's premeditation and racial bias that backfired?

  • If so, who was really behind this effort?

Payroll records could confirm when Floyd actually worked at El Nuevo Rodeo and if Floyd & Chauvin worked on the same nights. There is one problem - the building that housed the restaurant/club and its offices burnt down the same night the 3rd Precinct where Derek Chauvin worked was set ablaze.


There appears to be something more than meets the eye here and both Santamaria's and Pinney's interviews have done nothing but raise more suspicions. So many lives have been irreparably harmed all over the nation in the aftermath of this incident. A deeper investigation into the relationship of Chauvin & Floyd and what was really happening at El Nuevo Rodeo appear to be more than warranted. The American public can not depend on the Minnesota officials in charge of this case to give us an unbiased view of the facts free from political bias. We owe it to those who have suffered to discover the truth for ourselves.


[1] Jess Fields Show #17 - Maya Santamaria, Employed Both George Floyd and Alleged Killer Derek Chauvin - May 31, 2020

[2] Derek Chauvin and George Floyd had history of not getting along, coworkers say - CBS Evening News - June 9, 2020

[3] George Floyd and Derek Chauvin "bumped heads" while working at nightclub, former coworker says - CBS This Morning - June 10, 2020

[4] Man who claimed George Floyd and Derek Chauvin "bumped heads" changes story - CBS News - June 11, 2020