Truth Seeker ID: a659bd May 18, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.61   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I would be happy to help with writing, editing or proofreading. I have posted in this thread on the other board.

Truth Seeker ID: a659bd May 23, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.82   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>88 >>89


Thank you for the total repost in that other thread it was really helpful- I was able to get the edited version that someone made and put up on pastebin. It was the one on "Why the Unmasking of Flynn Matters." I believe that it is still timely (over the weekend) if it were to be published.

Pastebin (edited)

Outlet suggestion needed.

Also, if this is not the appropriate thread, let me know and which one would be better.

I really appreciate the opportunity to do this and really appreciate your help, and making this board. I may be a bit thick but I've got it now.

Truth Seeker ID: a659bd May 25, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Questions swirl around Susan Rice's declassified email


Once the DNI Richard Grenell released the declassified version of the email that Susan Rice, then National Security Advisor to former President Obama, about her Jan. 5, 2017 meeting at the White House questions mounted. Since that day, more questions have come out and few answers have been given.


Susan Rice's attorney released a response [2] about her client's email in response to a letter from Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IN) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In that letter, Katherine Reummler makes an astonishing statement:


"Ambassador Rice memorialized the discussion in an email sent to herself during the morning of January 20, 2017. The time stamp reflected on the email is not accurate, as Ambassador Rice departed the White House shortly before noon on January 20."


The last sentence brings up a whole host of questions. The sent date and time on the declassified email [1] is Fri 1/20/2017 12:15:32 PM, and the receipt is noted as Fri 1/20/2017 12:15:33 PM. This indicates that the email was sent and received after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President. Further, Susan Rice would no longer be employed in her position after the inauguration, so her presence after the inauguration in her (now old) office is curious.


The following questions are lingering and deserve answers:


If the time stamp on the email is incorrect, why? What would have caused the White House email system to log a time and date incorrectly?


Were there problems with the White House emails system at the time? If there were, did they affect only her office or was it widespread? Did Rice report problems with the email system date and time being incorrect?


If the time stamp on the email is incorrect, what is the correct date and time when it was actually sent? Was it sent earlier or later? And what are the implications for sending it earlier than it shows? Would Rice sending the email to herself earlier affect the timeline of events in any meaningful way, and if so, how?


If the email was actually sent later on inauguration day, why would Ms. Rice still be in her office, when she is no longer a part of the administration? Would her office have not yet been readied for the incoming administration staff?


These questions are important to answer because the timeline of events surrounding the surveillance and other activities involving Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn are front and center, considering the anomalous decisions made in his criminal case in the Court of Judge Sullivan.



Laughing_Man_G ID: a659bd June 3, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>567

Nation in Flames: Why Are Rights Happening Now?

With protests turning quickly into violent rioting, complete with rampant property destruction and looting as well as vicious physical assults on both civilians and law enforcement, every normal American must ask themselves: What are these mayors and governors who are not only not condemning this violent lawlessness, but in some cases actually encouraging it, thinking?


Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has expressed support for ANTIFA (1) in the past, tweeting out a photo of himself with ANTIFA material signalling his approval. Various mayors have made excuses ranging from anger over perceived racism or some sense of rage over decades of perceived oppression. But a quick perusal of live feeds and recordings shown by the media show that not all who are protesting are black Americans. Many are white or other ethnicities. The once-peaceful assembly to express legitimate displeasure or outrage over the death of a black man by a white policeman were quickly coopted (2) and the violence (3) and mob mentality spread like wildfire (4) in each city.


Many small businesses have been destroyed, many of which were owned by minorities. The senselessness of property destruction and looting (5) is not lost on the average American. Will those bring the dead man back to life? Will looting an Apple, Louis Vitton oe Nike store somehow take away the pain of the deceased's family (6)? Of course not. Torching a family restaurant or police station will accomplish nothing either. So why is this happening? Why is it happening now?


Besides the obvious premise of a man being killed, there are a confluence of factors that are being exploited to maximum effect. 40 million Americans are out of work, countless small businesses many the dreams of the owners are closed forever. Financial insecurity and anxiety, coupled with a constant bombardment of panic over the coronavirus and massive release of violent felons (for their safey, of course), the effect of being enclosed for two months and the uncertainty of the future are a witch's brew, and the final ingredient was added, just when states were opening up and hope was making a comeback for a large segment of society. Add in an organized, violent insurrection force that is well-funded, mobile and highly motivated and you have explosive violence outbreaks wherever protests occur.



Laughing_Man_G ID: a659bd June 3, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.567   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What an emotionally exhausting turn of events – just as the coronavirus fades and society opens up, out pops the perfect opportunity for wanton destruction, lawlessness and social disarray. Just as society begins to open up, citizens begin to go outside to enjoy the sunshine, good weather and fresh air, to patronize local businesses as a show of support and solidarity, violent riots are occurring. Mayors have said that "outsiders," that is, people who are not from those cities, are the ones engaging in the property destruction. But why? Why is George Soros funded ANTIFA, now designated a terrorist organization(7), being mobilized (8) and disseminated to every protest city? And now plans to go into the suburbs (9) to wreak havoc? What is the purpose of such an organized act of insurrection?


In order to answer that we must first ask, what is being suggested already as a result of coronavirus? Massive surveillance, "contact tracing" to track your movements and interactions exactly like China does, and mandatory mail-in voting for all. None of these would have been even considered remotely acceptable before, and yet they are portrayed as must-do items, which absolutely must be done now and made permanent. Ask yourself why would any American accept these things when every cold and flu season passes? Why do we go out and vote in person every November, during the flu seasons and even though the coronavirus is far, far safer (99.74% recovery rate) than the seasonal influenza, we must now abandon this tried and true method of expressing our rights in our democratic Republic in favor of a method that is rife with existing fraud?


What good can come of violent riots? "Social justice?" Not hardly, though a laudable goal, burning down my neighbor's business that she has put her life savings into, destroying her livelihood and rendering her employees without jobs (just when they got back to work) does not change anything for the better. How can any citizen see what is occurring and support the increasing actions of politicians who encourage lawlessness (declining to prosecute criminals, releasing violent felons and sex perverts -for their safey- and decriminalize theft and violence and drugs), punish those who want to go about their lives and contribute to society, yet continue to tell us, average Americans that we are somehow the root of all social ills and in fact are responsible for the criminal behavior we see? We elect them to represent our interests, whether left, center or right, and what is occurring in our country today does not serve the interest of the American people, regardless where we stand.


What is called for now is that every American citizen stand shoulder to shoulder and unite in saying "This is not how we solve our differences, violent rioting, looting and lawlessness is unacceptable - this ends now." And come November, we might look back at who was truly representing the interests of citizens, and who was exploiting the uncertainty, anxiety, fear and pain of the American people, by their words and deeds and support of insurrection, to regain power for their own sake.


(1) (Chicago Tribune)












Laughing_Man_G ID: a659bd June 5, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>699

Excusing destruction and expecting us to pay?

Our country is being rocked by racial riots that have hijacked peaceful protests and our cities are in flames. We see local politicians and even governors encouraging violence, excusing it, and refusing to allow local law enforcement to keep the peace - both to protect the rights of the peaceful protestors by day, and the rights of property owners and other citizens by night.


What could explain this seemingly crazy action? While it seems on the surface to some that the mayors and governors simply want to commiserate with the protestors, to others, seeing violent felons released from prison and law enforcement standing down while arson, looting and property damage occurs in front of them -and in front of our eyes, this cannot be the explanation. After all, ALL American citizens have the right to peaceably assemble, but if it becomes violent or theft and property damage occurs, it's no longer peaceful.


Americans watch while we are told that there is minimal destruction and the protests are "largely peaceful" and told to ignore the "handful" of ANTIFA terrorists and the rampant destruction they are causing, and, if we do not, we are bad people. Americans can easily see the many examples of that destruction on videos taken at the scenes and see that what we are being told is not true by the media. We can see with our own eyes and tell when we are being taken for a ride. What there is to see is appalling - and the American people are being gaslighted.


With so many businesses on the brink due to economic shut-down from Covid, and many more closed permanently, how can local officials sanction the destruction of their own cities? The short-term political boost may be appealing, but it is ill-considered and comes with long-term negative consequences for their cities and states. In areas that have experienced riots, the economy takes decades to recover, and some still have never regained the position they had before, such as Los Angeles in 1992 after the officers were acquitted of using excessive force against Rodney King. It took over ten years to return to marginal level of activity there.


Who do these mayors think will pay for all the rebuilding after ANTIFA is done destroying? Will they look to the federal government for bailouts?


What do they think will happen when those businesses that are now permanently closed and will no longer provide a tax base? Perhaps they will just raise taxes on their citizens more to cover the costs. How will residents feel about that considering many have been out of work for almost two months and now, with businesses destroyed and some never re-opneing, they will have to fork over even more of their paycheck to cover the destruction these mayors not only allowed but encouraged?


It is unclear whether these politicians have thought through these decisions carefully, but citizens are taking note and can see the writing on the wall. People who work hard, do the best they can for their families are already facing very hard times, and the prospect of higher taxes to pay for political follies is not appealing. The majority of Americans are good and decent people who value fairness and equality for all, whether they participate in protests or not, but forcing them to pay for bad decisions of politicians is too much. Forcing citizens to pay for the fury of the mob and cowardice of politicians is something that will be remembered at the ballot box by many this November.

Truth Seeker ID: a659bd (corrected) June 5, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Excusing destruction and expecting us to pay?

Our country is being rocked by racial riots that have hijacked peaceful protests and our cities are in flames. We see local politicians and even governors encouraging violence, excusing it, and refusing to allow local law enforcement to keep the peace - both to protect the rights of the peaceful protestors by day, and the rights of property owners and other citizens by night.


What could explain this seemingly crazy action? While it seems on the surface to some that the mayors and governors simply want to commiserate with the protestors, to others, seeing violent felons released from prison and law enforcement standing down while arson, looting and property damage occurs in front of them -and in front of our eyes, this cannot be the explanation. After all, ALL American citizens have the right to peaceably assemble, but if it becomes violent or theft and property damage occurs, it's no longer peaceful.


Americans watch while we are told that there is minimal destruction and the protests are "largely peaceful" and told to ignore the "handful" of ANTIFA terrorists and the rampant destruction they are causing, and, if we do not, we are bad people. Americans can easily see the many examples of that destruction on videos taken at the scenes and see that what we are being told by the media is not true. We can see with our own eyes and tell when we are being taken for a ride. What there is to see is appalling - and the American people are being gaslighted.


With so many businesses on the brink due to economic shut-down from Covid, and many more closed permanently, how can local officials sanction the destruction of their own cities? The short-term political boost may be appealing, but it is ill-considered and comes with long-term negative consequences for their cities and states. In areas that have experienced riots, the economy takes decades to recover, and some still have never regained the position they had before, such as Los Angeles in 1992 after the officers were acquitted of using excessive force against Rodney King. It took over ten years to return to marginal level of activity there.


Who do these mayors think will pay for all the rebuilding after ANTIFA is done destroying? Will they look to the federal government for bailouts?


What do they think will happen when those businesses that are now permanently closed will no longer provide a tax base? Perhaps they will just raise taxes on their citizens more to cover the costs. How will residents feel about that considering many have been out of work for almost two months and now, with businesses destroyed and some never re-opening, they will have to fork over even more of their paycheck to cover the destruction these mayors not only allowed but encouraged?


It is unclear whether these politicians have thought through these decisions carefully, but citizens are taking note and can see the writing on the wall. People who work hard and do the best they can for their families are already facing very hard times, and the prospect of higher taxes to pay for political follies is not appealing. The majority of Americans are good and decent people who value fairness and equality for all, whether they participate in protests or not, but forcing them to pay for bad decisions of politicians is too much. Forcing citizens to pay for the fury of the mob and cowardice of politicians is something that will be remembered at the ballot box by many this November.