Truth Seeker ID: bda756 July 7, 2020, 12:28 a.m. No.2234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2283 >>2385


everything should be fixed. Sources:











































Truth Seeker ID: bda756 July 7, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.2265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thought she was replying to a different post but I wasn't being negative about opinions, op eds should be opinionated, I think it makes a better read

Truth Seeker ID: bda756 July 10, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.2449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>1. The April Study That Found No Benefit to HCQ Was (1) Chinese and (2) Not Peer-Reviewed

>proceeds to name the Communist immediately

really good article, good read anon.


It's worth noting that Trump endorses azithromycin with HCQ and I think zinc. They seem to work better together on wooflu from what I've read. don't know anything about the heart risks.

Truth Seeker ID: bda756 July 14, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.2647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I bookmarked this on Saturday, not my post but I wish it was. I think it would be good for the site when it's ready.


The following cannot be overstated: The legal precedent is being set for the dissolution of the Union. Whether or not this has been presented to you as such by the Mainstream Media, the fact remains that we are racing ever-closer to the total abolishment of the United States at every level.


In moments of such tremendous gravity and consequence, it falls upon us as Americans to ask the very-serious questions that must be asked.


We must ask:


"Do I as an American stand for, or will I accept, the abolishment of the United States?"


This is not an extremist question. Rather, the legitimacy of the United States and our institutions has been called into question by extremists. These ideological zealots, who have attacked our history, our heroes, our foundations, our innovations, our patriotism, our optimism and dignity, our morality, our faith in God and in each other, our system of laws and governance, and the very memory of what we are as a People, now seek to justify through their arguments the abolishment of the United States herself.


They claim that the very spirit of what this nation represents, and that everything we have done and can ever do, is corrupt and wicked. They have slandered and spat on every chapter in this nation's story, and they have advanced the malicious lie that America stands for racism, for oppression, for tyranny; that she stands always and only for some monstrous and damning evil that necessitates her destruction. They have attributed to every foundation and every edifice of what our forefathers built some original sin that can justify tearing it down.


We as Americans must ask ourselves: Do we agree with this? Do we agree with the narrative that every trial and triumph in our nation's story was evil or in vain? Do we agree that America deserves to be torn down?


We must ask:


"Will we stand by and allow them to do this?"


These extremists have shown that they are willing to be as vocal, as violent, as cunning, as treacherous, as deceitful, and as relentless as necessary in order to accomplish the final conclusion of their vision, to put the United States on trial for the crime of her existence and to put her to death as punishment. They have shown themselves ready to lie, stand in public and shout, to proselytize relentlessly on the airwaves and on the internet, to take up arms and fight, to pit friends and family against each other, to brawl in the streets, to hold hostage and intimidate those who stand in their way, to terrorize and burn and destroy and destabilize, to accuse falsely, to cheat, to manipulate, to gaslight, and to lie and lie again in order to accomplish their mission, and if we stand by idly, they will succeed through sheer and dogged determination. Will we let them succeed?


They are counting on the average person, the American who is not a terrorist or an extremist, to be too confused, too demoralized, too noncommittal, and too uninvested to answer that simple question. They are hoping that we will be too exhausted to care, too afraid to stick our necks out, too ashamed to speak, and too disappointed and insecure to fight. They are hoping that through lies, through slander, through censorship, through character assassination and cancel culture, and through the consolidation of information and the constriction of public dialogue they will be able to make the average American stand by quietly as they transform the world in their lunatic vision.


Because they do not need our vocal and open support. They are loud enough and clear enough already and they do not require the average person to swear any oath, carry any banner, or to fight for their cause. They simply need us to stand down and be quiet. They do not need the average person to defend them against detractors, since their defenders are well-installed into media and government already. They simply need us to stand down and be quiet. They do not need the average person to campaign, lobby, or legislate for them, because they have lobbyists, legislators, and campaigns of their own that will do the job of accomplishing their vision. They simply need the great majority of people to stand down and be quiet.




You known in your heart what you must do.DO IT.

Truth Seeker ID: bda756 1 of 2 July 23, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.3317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3318

>firsthand report from a friend who works a night shift in the city.

>A true account of what is really going on in Downtown Portland.


“Peaceful Til It’s Not


I have never thought I would need a safety plan to get to or from work. I never thought my husband would worry about me going to work. I never thought I’d be so worried about who was behind me in my car and how long they’d been following me.


If you don’t know I work in the Justice Center in downtown Portland. Every night for the last 50+ nights there have been protests. I am all for peaceful protests but I put my foot down when it stops being peaceful. Rioters, looters, setting buildings on fire, all of these things are not ok and it’s not peaceful.


The building where I work has been set on fire multiple times with hundreds of people inside me included. Doors are blocked so there is no way out. Co-workers being followed home, harassed and our lives and our families lives threatened.


I normally keep quiet about this stuff but I am sick of seeing friends and loved ones repost things that aren’t true. Don’t be a reposting warrior and repost things if you don’t know the truth. News outlets aren’t posting the whole truth. And most reposts I see and very one sided.


Last night, July 20, I got a text from work saying “hundreds of protesters around the building. Call in before you try to enter.” My husband was worried and the closer I got to work the more my anxiety level rose. I made it in the building safe for my 16 hour shift that started at 11pm. I turned YouTube on to watch the live streams of what was going on outside our building. Multiple live streams where available to watch to get different perspectives. Protesters stayed peaceful till approximately midnight. No Portland police in sight. No federal police in sight, just protesters. Then it changed.


Rioters started banging on the federal building. It’s like they were taunting the Feds to see what they would do. Why else would someone start messing with a boarded up building? The banging and kicking turned in to pulling plywood off of the building. Not just a piece here or there. Large pieces of plywood to keep rioters out. This is not peaceful, this had turned into criminal activity. Once the rioters were able to see windows they started smashing the windows with fire extinguishers. Windows were broken and the Feds now had to take action. I honestly was surprised it took as long as it did for the Feds to come out and stop all the criminal activity. Good job on their part for holding back as long as they did!


Yes, the Feds used CS gas. Yes, they used other crowd control devices. Why wouldn’t they when their building has been broke into and burned? The Feds “fixed” the building and retreated back inside. An hour later (230am), fires were being lit on the doors of the building, at the base of trees, at the old elk statue, and around the Multnomah County Court house. To protect the people inside these buildings, the Feds came back out to put fires out and to arrest these criminals. A federal officer was ambushed and taken to the ground. Luckily he was able to get away. (You can see the video of this on Twitter)

Truth Seeker ID: bda756 2 of 2 July 23, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.3318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The peaceful protesters, the “moms and dads” that were out earlier in the night, left around midnight when the criminal activity started. I wonder why?Maybe because it wasn’t peaceful anymore. The fires, looting and criminal activity lasted until 4 in the morning.


Portland Police’s hands are tied by the Mayor and other city officials. I can tell you that the police, both local and federal, want this to stop. They want to be home with their families. Their families want them home safe. Stop breaking in and burning the buildings and the police won’t have to get involved. I can tell you that we will not give up the Justice Center. The Feds will not “go home” and give up the court house. Portland Police won’t give up any of their precincts to criminals that want to burn them down. We are there to protect the buildings and everyone inside.


Yes, peaceful protests need to happen. Change needs to happen as well. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem, and be willing to have conversations with the other side and honestly listen. What’s happening in Portland every night isn’t helping. Portland is a dump and I am not proud to say I grew up here.


Just like in every profession, there are a few bad apples. There are bad teachers, bad politicians, bad doctors, and, yes, bad officers. But like in every profession the good outweigh the bad.


The next time when you say F the Police, Defund the Police, ACAB, please think of A* and I. You can’t say these words and still be ok with being our friends or family. You can’t say these words then say, “Well, not you guys”. You can’t say these words and then say,


”We know you guys are good”. We won’t stand for it and we don’t need it in our lives.”


E. Torres