Truth Seeker ID: d57da6 Aug. 1, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.4010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4018



It has been observed that a house divided against itself can not stand, yet here we are. While there are often more than 2 viewpoints on an issue, the present rift in America has two main adversaries, familiar to us all. The division and rancor have gradually increased for several decades, until there is little if any common ground remaining. The self labeled centrists/independents are now being forced to choose, as they see American cities burn.


The fundamental difference is light vs. dark. So let's look at the things that divide them, and how those things manifest in words and actions in this physical dimension. The light flows from the Creator, actually being a manifestation of the Supreme Being, and the truth/justice therein embodied. The dark side also has a supreme leader, the Father of Lies. Everything we see flows from the rebellion of this entity against the laws of the Creator.


Patriots only kneel to the true God, and would never bend a knee to another human, especially a fallen human or organization. "Woke" leftists will kneel to such, and even worse. Along this line, conservatives respect and defend religious institutions as being basic to the fabric of society. Socialists/communists/anarchists abhor any thought of being subject to God given rules, and resent any representations of such. It goes deeper though, as such also believe that the laws of man only apply to fools. This is why they detest the police and military that defend us, because they do not want us protected from the demonic future they envision.


Patriots of course have their own vision of the future, and intend to defend themselves against the dark minions. Ergo, they possess many weapons, their Constitutional right-many more than the Godless left, which insists on disarmament. Lately, some leftists have hypocritically rushed to arm themselves, in violation of their professed principles, but are still outgunned 10-1 by patriots. Also outnumbered 2-1, while believing themselves in the majority by 2-1. They accept the fake, lying polls that are blared 24/7 by their talking head idols on TV. These would be the MSM, with fake scientists the co-priests of the NWO religion of lying media and science, things which are questioned and often rejected by intelligent conservatives.


The left wishes to destroy the Constitution, as it embodies the best effort ever made to set human rules upon the governance of humanity, rules which are based upon the heavenly laws. All military personnel and many patriots have sworn to defend the Constitution, and are willing to hazard their lives to do so, in the footsteps of the many millions of their predecessors who have faithfully done so. Symbols of these are detested by the lawless ones, and so are attacked in infantile and futile fashion by the spitting and hissing hordes from hell.


The Light respects life, especially in the God created human form. The light acknowledges that this life has rights from the beginning until the end. The left abhors God's creation, especially man and the family unit. Thus the fight over abortion and what it really signifies. This divide can be seen in the personal appearances and habits of the two opposing camps, as well as whether specific behaviors are acceptable or not.


People of the light understand that life was not given frivolously, and that they are commanded to be productive/fruitful. They work to further their own estate, and that of their nation, but most importantly, they know that by creating, they are emulating and furthering the work of The Creator. The Dark side rejects this, and works only for self, not hesitating to further these aims at the expense of the Light at all levels.


We are now in the end game, as the left attempts to overthrow the nation, allied with Beijing, the NWO, the MSM, social media, and the largest pools of money. As to the hard core leftists, they are insane, and most are beyond redemption. Yet many who formerly identified as such have opened their eyes and come to the patriot side. Our intention is that the dwindling number of centrists will follow into our camp, refusing to be dragged through the gates of hell by the dark forces. It is good that they should consider this, for we are going to win in America and across the planet. Those who fought for the dark side will have no seat at the table of the victors.