I'm bored. Anybody have a job for me?
Maybe Kek wants me to have some downtime.
Human thought is a construct of Frankensteined variations of ideas and memetically altered belief
systems. The original idea is held hostage to weaponized vectors that expedite delivery of the meme
that becomes the narrative. The “original idea” is a rarity because of the toxicity corroding the mind,
toxicity stemming from the bombardment of messages that pummel the critical faculties that distort
the natural process of thinking. Reality is gossamer, and the human psyche can be disrupted and
manipulated easily by tailoring a meme to exploit any one or more of dozens of psychological vectors.
The weaponized meme, when introduced and reinforced properly, will parasitically weave its way
throughout the labyrinth of the mind and attach itself to the subconscious, thus affecting the root of
the thoughts of the recipient resulting in the intellectual zombification of the target’s perception on the
particular categories of concepts related to the meme. When one has an idea memetically introduced
and the meme colonizes the neural pathways of the mind, it becomes a tremendous contributor to one’s
belief system. Engineered properly, a belief automatically precludes one from believing its opposite. The
meme’s contribution to the digital tribal society allows for automated enforcement of this new belief via
peer pressure from the tribe and its chieftains."
CCIO-Information-Warfare-The-Meme-is-the-Embryo-of-the-Narrative-Illusion by James Scott p.27
Normalization is the process of making something accepted or commonplace in the societal collective
conscious by acclimating the population to keywords, desensitizing them to the outcomes through an
oscillatory discussion of the polar opposite outcomes, or inundating them with discussion to the point
that the subject is accepted but mostly ignored [10].
<Gee, where have we witnessed this?
Online platforms have altered how users, especially younger generations, consume media, including
propaganda, and how and why they engage in civic-political spheres. The access to information,
expression of ideas, circulation of propaganda, and mobilization of communities all depend on digital
platforms and mechanisms that are highly susceptible to the machinations of adversaries and special
interests. Participatory politics is the broadening of political discourse into the daily communities of
individuals. DIOs often target populations of individuals who participate out of ideological compulsion,
attachment to a social justice cause, or online convenience, because those individuals seek causes and
dialogues to champion intentionally. In many cases, '''users are psychologically addicted to the heated
online discourse, ideological bubbles, and redirected animosity perpetrated on online platforms or
forums [11].'''
<uh, yeah
op. cit.
This is depressing. Isn't it?
Researchers such as Lee Ross, Craig Anderson, and others have proven that it is remarkably difficult to
demolish a falsehood once it has been planted in a subject’s mind and nourished with rationalizations.
Each experiment they conducted either implanted a belief by proclaiming it true or by showing the
participants anecdotal evidence. Participants were then asked to explain why it was true. Finally, the
researchers totally discredited the belief by telling participants that the information was manufactured
and that half the participants had received opposite information. '''Despite being blatantly told that they had received fabricated information by the creators of that data, approximately 75 percent of the new belief persevered. This effect, belief perseverance, is attributed to the participants’ retention of
their invented explanations for the belief. It demonstrates that fake news or disinformation can survive even the most direct attempts to dispel the false ideas.''' Another experiment asked subjects to determine
27whether firefighters performed better if they were more willing to take risks. One group considered the
case of a risk-prone firefighter who was successful and a risk-adverse firefighter who was unsuccessful.
The other group considered the opposite. After forming their hypotheses, each participant wrote
explanations justifying their position. Once the explanation was formed, it became independent of the
initial information that created the belief. Even when the narrative was discredited, the participants
retained their self-generated explanations. The research suggests that the more individuals examine their
theories and beliefs and the more they explain and rationalize them, the more closed people become to
information that challenges their ideology [10].
op. cit. p. 27-28
<Get people to form their own explanations (rationalizations) for fake news they have been presented with, and their belief in the fake news will become so strengthened that it is not easily dispelled with facts.
So the corollary is if we give people REAL news that's sauced, IF we can also get them to consider the real news deeply until they form their own mental construct as to why it's true, then it will not easily be dislodged.
So how do we get the people to think for themselves? Because that's what it boils down to…
I better keep reading & see what other ideas his research has uncovered…
We have a number of test cases within our own extended family – people so deeply brainwashed that NOTHING sways their viewpoint. People there's no point in talking to because anything true I might say would just make them mad. So we haven't had a heart-to-heart conversation about anything true for over 20 years. So I think of these people when wondering how we get folks to let go of wrong ideas and think for themselves…
Q said it must be compelling to avoid a divide. Still waiting for that compelling thing that will suddenly put all the normies into irrefutable cognitive dissonance.
p.38 Author James Scott offers an answer to my question. >>3261 And we have seen these exact techniques used by botlords and trolls on QR in every single bread.
"Belief perseverance is prevalent on every digital platform and, to some extent, in nearly every human interaction. Our beliefs and expectations govern how we construct events powerfully. Individuals are prisoners of their patterns of thought [10]. Influencers can leverage psychographics and the metadata collected from online platforms to determine the spiral dynamic and socionic profiles of population segments that share similar psychological patterns. Afterward, they can craft fake news, propaganda,
disinformation, and misinformation that are tailored to implant specific memes in the population. Infected individuals will internalize and rationalize the notions, and their perceptions will become independent derivatives of the meme that are impervious to challenge or fact. In fact, challenging the theories with contrarian information, such as fact, has an inverse effect. Believers become more defensive and convinced of their ideologies as their theories and rationalizations are confronted [10]. Adversaries
can, therefore, play both sides of an issue using trolls and bot accounts to plant an idea and then attack those same ideas and faux sources in order to root the false information in the community and evangelize memetic zealots. The only proven method of dispelling belief perseverance is to coax the subject into considering the opposite side of the issue and explaining it as a “devil’s advocate” [10]. This, too, can be weaponized to convert believers from one side of an issue to another and thereby disrupt critical
community networks through infighting and conflicting beliefs.
Hello anon. I'm not the BO (not "George"). Take a look around. Be sure to read all the links at the top of the page.
> benefit and service to all
Inventory your own skills and interests, find the fit.
(I'm reading one of several dozen psyop documents but that doesn't mean you need to read it. None of these docs are a quick read. If it calls to you, then you will read it.)
Glad you're back in action.
My last article was on COVID stats are not credible, and we collected a ton of data that masks don't work and COVID does not appear to be a serious illness, and the last social media op I pushed was resist the masks, and then POTUS comes out with Hey, it's OK to wear masks, and anons infer that leads to "we can vote in person if masks work".
So I'm in a state of pause right now not trusting my intuition but feeling that something big is just about to happen, perhaps something involving China…
Maybe coming back with a fresh perspective you will see what others are missing.
Did you see babyfist's livestream with Jim Watson yesterday?
Well, we saw an article on QR couple days ago that was on a website that I judged to be a fake website. It had just that one article, no attribution or contact info. Looked to be a brand new self-hosted wordpress site, not very deep. Didn't check out the domain ownership but because of the article's extreme content and context, I called it fake and prevented it from getting into notables.
So yeah. Can't even remember what it was about. Something very sensational with no sauce. A bunch of women chopped up or something.
>an article in my feed that is 100% not real.
Yeah, found it in my history.
Perhaps they are trying to harvest IP addresses or discover how well some idea is penetrating into a community.
The website is not credible.
Have to check it out later. Images are hosed.
Anon >>>/qresearch/10070094 points out that only AFBL's images are displayed….. whoa… can think of only 1-2 explanations and neither of them is good… like they have a direct hack into the server or something…
That's creative.
We don't exactly know the physical and logical topology of CM's website. The stuff he's done for high availability and capacity still has some weirdness to it. I'd rather not give hackers any good clues.
That's Andrew W standing on the unicorn? You riding. Nice slippers, kek. Unicorn on rollerskates trying to skate uphill toward very dark cloud. Babyfist trying to rescue a ?bat? from a badthing. The unicorn looks to be in a poor body condition score, no wonder with 2 men riding atop! It's a very strange portrait.
>>3626 Some of us are the same anons you knew in the bunker, kek.
>>3610 Watched 100%. Was a good exchange of ideas. We will grow; it is inevitable. Was very long and a bit unfocused (causing viewer fatigue), but you were given plenty of time to get the ideas across and you did. Good job. The screen sharing was a little problematic; what we saw was about 80% of the window width, with the missing 20% taken out of the left side.
Anons deeply appreciate what you're doing and what all those confidential people are doing.
Me and my college friends brewed home made beer. Way back when. In a 50 gallon plastic garbage can. In the living room. With a 25 watt lightbulb underneath to aid fermentation. We bottled it in old beer bottles. A few bottles exploded. Some were fairly palatable if you decanted fast to avoid the yeast that collected at the bottom.
I don't really drink now. Sometimes we'll split a beer. That's about my limit, half a beer.