Corrected (thank you!) and posted in Op-Ed >>3920
Will push to QR right now.
Thanks. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries, kek.
Here's what happened. It's that magic that we sometimes call intuition. Wrote the 1st draft yesterday and got comments from 3 anons, right? Knew the article needed rewrite and different slant and better focus on key issues. Mulling it over in the back of muh mind. Got up late, I was brushing my teeth or something, thinking about my core issue - the weaponization of language against us - and the phrase Burning Books One Word at a Time popped into my mind. Came back to my desk and realized that was the title for the article.
I swear, it was not my idea. The idea just popped into my head without warning.
There is no other way.
Thanks nabbed it early this morning too
Watching. Came in late.
Suggest kicking it around with social media warriors on >>>/warroom/4178
If it's a topic that abcu writers have overlooked (mea culpa, I miss a lot because trying to juggle several things at once), doesn't hurt to bring it to our attention.
Who knows? You might inspire somebody to write something.
In terms of what to write about, I don't have an agenda.
TRUTH is my agenda.
Have noticed, after writing several short articles for /abcu/, that what usually motivates me to drop all else that I'm doing and write, is when I get mad enough about something. Getting mad is what puts me over the threshhold and impels corrective action, namely writing about it. (Or sometimes memeing about it).
And sometimes I just don't want to get mad so I avoid immersing myself in things that make me mad! Does that make sense? Because we all have strategies to keep our sanity and sense of balance.
When our balance is off, that's when we take corrective actions to attempt to influence others? Some can do this day in and day out (@babyfist! most impressive) and some perform in a more intermittent fashion.
Just my personal introspection on the matter. Your mileage might vary.
Found a draft article that anon never completed or published. Needs more digging on the legal implications of platforms choosing the role of "publisher" by editorializing (censoring) certain users but not others.
Meant to paste the draft
The American Cyber Civil War
The wikipedia article actually provides a bit of an introduction:
(more at link).
Some Dot Com companies were extraordinarily overvalued (in the sense of stock market parlance). They had virtually zero earnings. Their debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio was sky-high and their earnings per share (EPS) was negligible. The ridiculous valuations made no sense whatsoever, in terms of concrete investment metrics. Yet their stock price kept levitating as hot money rushed into the new sector in a speculative frenzy, creating a bubble that kept inflating. Stock market commentary hyping the potential of these companies was everywhere.
The bubble was deliberately created and its entire trajectory planned. It enabled certain insiders to cash out, instant trillionaires. More importantly, it enabled certain individuals and organizations to secure present and future control (utter domination) over a key communications sector. This is especially interesting in light of the known and proven government funding that provided seed capital and promoted the expansion of dozens of key companies in the telecomm sector (think In-Q-Tel, LifeLog,โฆ) Who knows which 3-letter agencies are still entrenched there, burrowed in deeply like a blood-sucking tick and lurking in the shadows while subtly exerting control?
With President Trump's May 28, 2020 executive order declaring internet companies as "publishers" (Section 230) when they use their extraordinary powers to regulate speech and inject their own editorial bias by suppressing conservative speech, we are now seeing the next phase of information warfare play out.
The stranglehold that companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. had over information flows played a huge role in political victories by the Radical Left, that resulted in the presidency of Barack Obama and the continued domination by leftist governors, left-controlled House of Representatives, etc.
It should never have happened.
Who let it happen? Who caused the Dot Com bubble? Who profited from it (financially)? More significantly, who gained control of information flows as a result? Who planned the takeover of worldwide media?
Will President Trump's order to restore Americans' first amendment right of free speech be effective in returning our society to a more balanced posture, where voices from both the Right and the Left have equal opportunities for debate and discourse?
Saw this on QR. I believe it is publishable. Do we need to ask anon's permission?
Cognitive dissonance
Normies are undergoing a severe existential crisis brought about by the co-existence (in an identical but impossibly incongruent space) of two opposing and competing sets of information simultaneously claiming a FACTUAL LABEL - and presented to them by the very people they have traditionally long trusted.
This happens when what appeared to be facts on the ground does NOT MATCH what their TRUSTED long-time Pundits (seen as "Friends") are saying - The traumatized Human mind will go into a powerful existential protective mode in order to maintain even a false sense of sanity - even if it is only to their own minds.
Friends or Loved ones who have long put their trust in the pundits on Mainstream Media and have believed that they are ALWAYS truthful are traumatized Now when it is very clear (to the awakened) that the MSM is lying about literally everything
Meantime, Those who continued to TRUST them - and who simply cannot reconcile all the glaring externally verifiable but contradictory facts with what is being STATED to them Those who cannot fit the glaring contradictory facts on the ground into the same Mental space occupied by the mendacious words of their beloved "Pundits" find their precious but now factually-deficient "World View" forced into an impossible situation sharing the same enclosed space with outrageous Lies and they see only two forms of escape:
One avenue of escape allows them to keep their flagging world view and one will destroy their world view forever and change their lives.
Either they must Lose their religion (and failing world view) and admit to existential devastation and choose to see the truth ( admitting they have been LIED TO) orโฆ They must cling to their failing reality at all costs become completely and insanely BLIND to the obvious. Those whose trauma (or Fear) exceeds their ability to choose the former will descend into cognitive dissonance. They become blind to reality no matter how glaring the incongruity may be or how obvious it is. It is a type of temporary insanity.
It helps (Helps those who love them or those who witness this astounding descent into insanity) to realize that it is actually a sort of CRUDE MENTAL and even spiritual survival tactic and a product of our incredibly creative Human Minds.
For example it would actually serve a severely Traumatized child very well (temporarily at least) - in allowing an innocent child to go through incredibly horrific torture relatively unscathed as far as visible scars go. In fact this type of drastic emergency mental protective measure is precisely described by MKUltra mind control techniques and is understood VERY WELL by those in the Main Stream Media and the Deep State and the CIA. Torture is inflicted on a subject and then a MENTAL "OUT" is provided to the victim by the torturer. The child TAKES the "out" because it is their only means of escape. They can mentally at least โ float above their torture.
It is an example of Devils forcing Angels to use a last resort tactic.
We can see DELIBERATE and calculated intentions by the Dark Forces to force people into a state of cognitive dissonance on every single Main Stream Media Newscast. Where the smiling "friendly" icons purporting to be our "Allies" will deliberately state things which even the most cursory examination of facts on the ground proves to be false and yet the LIES are calmly stated with absolute conviction behind masks resembling absolute perfectly manufactured false sincerity. This forces anyone who hangs onto false hope straight into cognitive dissonance which effectively shuts down ANY information contradicting the desired narrative.
Juan on "The Five" with Greg Gutfield (Fox) is a prime example of cognitive dissonance.
And this is exactly the effect intended by those who are deliberately perpetrating the cognitive dissonance.
I'll just leave these thoughts here. Since many people have difficulty understanding WHY so many appear to be insane these days.
I saw it get published there!
Thank you stronk frens!!
I am following 2 of your twitter accts now and more visibility into what's going on now.
Well I find myself diving right down a rabbit hole, inquiring about what oversight exists over the CIA and whether past abuses ("if any") have been rectified. So here goes.. โฆ โฆ โฆ โฆ .
My thesis, if I can prove it, will state:
The dot-com bubble was not an organic phenomenon. From the outset it was planned and executed with a more sinister purpose: the takeover of worldwide media. By whom, you may ask? Did they succeed? This article will attempt to prove that the bubble was deliberately created, and its entire trajectory planned, to give certain highly-placed insiders absolute control over what has arguable become our most key communications sector.
If I can't prove it, then I will change the focus of the article.
I have insight about the things technology companies had to do prior to Y2K that I cannot discuss here. Your suspicion is to a large extent incorrect. There were very legitimate concerns, which fortunately got rectified in time. A lot of code was written and deployed. Legacy systems were fixed well in advance of Y2K.
Agree with
>The 2008 financial meltdown was another liquidity event that allowed "the players" to move the chess pieces around the board. Lehman Brothers was demolished and Jamie Dimon scooped everything up. (((They))) created the subprime mortgage crisis in order to have a liquidity event. Robber barron playbook.
but I'm not going to go into that in this article.
The draft has already turned into a tome, over 11,000 words. (4-part article?) and isn't finished yet.
Maybe you will review the draft when it's ready. I would value your feedback.
Playtime. Anon too tired to complete the article tonight.
Nice work videoAnon!
I missed most of this, as I was writing. Reviewing all the vids captured from QR, what struck me the most was what appeared to be 2 distinct explosions emanating from approximately the same origin. The first one was pale whitish in color and produced sort of a mushroom-shaped cloud which quickly dissipated. The second one was a dense brownish-orange color and seemed to occur in the same location as the first.
As if one explosion happened, and triggered the second one, with an entirely different chemistry. One anon analyzing thought nitrates produce that kind of color.
I don't have much knowledge of these things, just basic chemistry and common sense and reading descriptions of the newer kinds of nuks. Spouseanon speculated that what if a great quantity of rockets had been delivered to the port there and stored in that warehouse, and someone decided they needed to be demolished. That explanation could account for a quantity of high explosives.
>>4172 Op-Ed
It's about current events.
It's about censorship and last week's antitrust hearing.
It's about ABCU.
It's publication ready.
Read it. hasn't updated for 10 hours.
Good idea.
A memefag made a lot of short&sweet Q&A memes which might serve as inspiration for such an article. Plus we collected a few from back in the beginning when we were all trying to explain who is Q.
* Q Basics Q&A
Answers to your first questions about QAnon
Meme Folder:
Last updated: 26-Jul-2020
Number of Images: 126
Size: 11M
Are you able to access this meme folder?