Thank you anon. Reading the draft. I love the timely topic and it needs to be written about. Will use pastebin line numbers for feedback.
Why spell PhRMA not Pharma. (Same comment lines 71 and 86.)
Is 340B discounts a dollar figure? $340B?
Fix "insulin every month, which the . "
Part 1 - excellent points, clearly expressed.
Part 2 - all true. Writer slices and dices the disingenuous MSM.
Part 3 - Writer explains broad impact of DACA SCOTUS decision on future EOs and its application to these specific drug price EOs. Thoughtful, deep, analysis we never see in the MSM!
Finished review. I like this article very much!
If there are any negative points they are only these:
1) It is long.
2) It switches tone from factual in part 1 to totally editorial/opinion/first person by the end. (This doesn't bother me at all, but it is non-standard in the print media world).
3) You're not finished yet…? The end is not a conclusion. Would a conclusion summarize the entire article in 1 tight paragraph?
Where to publish, perhaps?
This is really an outstanding work by a fine writer. Congratulations!