Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 13, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.4547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550



Next time do an audio check OK? The other 3 guys were about the same audio level, but yours was so quiet the streaming software never thought you were talking at all. It put up a yellow box around the person speaking each time (except you).

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 14, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.4565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4566


Nonlinear optics


Phase conjugation → energy zeroed out in 3-space, simply continues oscillating in other dimension(s)


Physical systems that exhibit phase conjugate mirror phenomena → ??


Interference of two waves in a plasma, inside a laser resonance cavity, between the lobes of our bicameral human brain… → ??


Well anons succeeded in moving the discussion away from the factual into the speculative and esoteric.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 14, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.4566   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Within a crystal, energy reflecting off internal surfaces (aligned atoms/molecules) - bouncing waves also capable of phase conjugating.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 14, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.4567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4569 >>4658

I feel like maybe with a little editing this anon post could be published practically "as is".



>Quick Durham news rundown:

>FISA warrants were used by members of the the intelligence community, at the behest of the Obama administration, to illegally spy on Trump (and others), in order to prevent him from being elected.

>The FISA courts are these obfuscated, private courts which determine who and who cannot be spied upon. They are unlike any other court in the land, in that someone can't defend themselves in it.

>They're also something of a rubber stamp factory.

>To get a FISA warrant, you need to have a good reason and present your case, since basically, this court is designed to violate everyone's 4th Amendment rights by design.

>One of the ways Trump was targeted was by spying on people close to him. FISA warrants allow for several "hops." So if you get a warrant to spy on, idk, Tom, and Tom talks to Harry, you can now spy on Harry as well, since Harry is now deemed a person of interest. And if Harry talks to Trump, you can now spy on Trump.

>IE: The Intelligence Apparatus was ordered by Obama to spy on people in close proximity to Trump, in order to hide the fact that Trump was the intended target of the spying.

>Kevin Clinesmith is now pleading guilty to fabricating evidence used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, which was really used to spy on Trump.

>And remember the stakes here: This was all to frame Trump as working with the Russians to steal the election. That's treason. That's potentially public execution. They were willing to have Trump and others executed, if need be.

>Which means… this whole spying operation is actually the real treason.

>Which means… we want to know how high up this goes. (In fact, we know. It goes to basically all the heads of the Intelligence community, and into the Oval Office, all the way up to Obama and Biden).

>So questions now emerge:

>Who knew Clinesmith fabricated this email?

>Who ordered him to fabricate the email?

>Clinesmith is something of an underling. Not a huge player, and will probably be imprisoned for a loooooong time. But the people above him have got to be panicking heavily right now, because their heads are next on the chopping block.

>If Clinesmith agreed to plead guilty, it's because they have these people dead-to-rights, and he's only doing so to minimize his own sentence.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 14, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.4570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4571


Not rigorous, but when I see something good, habit is to capture it immediately so it doesn't get lost. Thank God we now have a place to capture, share, and discuss.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 14, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.4601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I did ask for further sauce. The sauce was lots of pics the public wouldn't have. A couple of anons seemed to credit them with being real.


Yeah I have been wondering why POTUS keeps saying mail-in voting will be a disaster, but we don't see (yet) action taken about it. Military protecting the elections would alarm the public unless they were prepped, but could ensure real elections.


I see the analogy with anons questioning why US spent big $ building walls in other countries but not in our own. Perhaps POTUS has used this theme in speeches or maybe I just saw it in memes.


>>4600 You work so very hard. Relax?

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 15, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.4621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624


>I hope you dont see /abcu/ as that.

I don't. I come here for a breath of fresh air. We must midwife the Awakening.

And with no frens IRL, and closest relatives all programmed libtards one can't talk to about anything of substance, YOU all are the true fam.


Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 15, 2020, 8 a.m. No.4622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4643




One more point on Shadownet doc.

Shadownet goal is to take away people's free will by totally controlling their thoughts and behavior.

When free will is lost, it's over for those people. They become real npcs.

Salvation is a choice.

Following God is a choice.

Being moral is a choice.

Taking away those choices deprives people of the possibility of salvation (or in another paradigm: enlightenment.)

Undermining free will is the most utterly satanic thing possible.

The Bible characterizes Satan as the prince of the power of the air and the father of lies. Ephesians Ch. 2, John 8:44.

Have always interpreted as control over mass media of all kinds: the power of influencing people for evil purposes by influencing their ideas.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 15, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.4626   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. It's not sæd as shit. It's a result of having once lived away from civilization in a primitive setting for a very long time. There is nothing wrong with retreating from civilization to be embedded in nature as a personal choice. There's nothing wrong with moving to a different community and standing down from a multi-year period of very close, public, engagements with people.

I cannot describe the twists and turns of a complex and fulfilling life path without dox, you will have to take my word for it.

You will never have full insight into the variety of humanity unless you get down off your high horse and accept that some people actually DO know what they're doing and chose it for a reason.

Oh Æıæňœň, I once thought we would be frens. I was the first anon to befriend you and take you seriously, do you know that?

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 15, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.4627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4630 >>4643


I'm glad you quoted the verse about the potter and the clay. God draws and calls who He will. That's something most preachers don't mention, so I don't listen to them.

21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?

But we are not to judge who was formed for honorable or dishonorable purposes. That judgment is not ours to make. Amirite?

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 15, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.4628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Early in the Q op, [they] tried to convince me that the Trump campaign had benefited greatly from Cambridge Analytica data. I observed the information, but did not bite on the thesis. If that part of Shadownet doc is true that

"Cambridge Analytica was used to create the appearance that Russia conducted influence operations to help Trump win the 2016 election"

then [they] pursued the goal of trying to create this appearance through a directed influence op on the chan that personally targeted me. I kept the full dig and notes from that dig. They wanted me to push this angle and I refrained because something did not smell right. The personal targeting with personal info from my distant past was highly alarming at the time.

Cee ID: 7de80e Aug. 16, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.4660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4661 >>4662 >>4672


Yeah go ahead if you feel like it. I've been focused on meming it today so I'm not going to be writing. Here's a collection of thoughts/words/phrases/sauces on the Clinesmith plea bargain and its implications. (It keeps growing as I keep modifying text to fit on a meme.)



Clinesmith op.


Ex-FBI lawyer plea deal. Admits altered email to change the meaning to opposite of what the original email said. Part of the plot to dupe the FISA court into granting surveillance warrant on Carter Page. The court would not have granted the warrant if they knew that Page was a CIA asset. Clinesmith has admitted that he altered a document in order to make it appear that Carter Page had NO affiliation with the CIA.


Who Ordered Kevin Clinesmith to Alter Evidence to the FISA Spy Court?

Who Ordered Kevin Clinesmith to Dupe the Court?

Who told Clinesmith to dupe the FISA court?

Follow Chain of Command!

Sally Moyer?

Peter Strzok?

Andrew McCabe?

James Comey?

Barack Obama?


Who made #KevinClinesmith plead guilty?

Does it involve #SpyGate, #ObamaGate. I think so.

Who has the most to lose?

Who are his bosses? Who did he answer to?

Did he lie? Was he told to lie?

Why would he change an EMAIL?

#WeThePeople Demand Answers.

Looking leads to OTHERS…


Disgraced FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith falsified evidence to enable illegal spying on Trump (via FISA warrant on CIA plant Carter Page)

Admitted breaking the law

Why was the Obama admin desperate for a FISA warrant to spy on Trump?

Who ordered him to falsify evidence?

Why did an FBI lawyer under Obama fabricate evidence to set up spying on candidate/President Trump?

First domino?

Who told this FBI lawyer to fabricate evidence to set up spying on candidate/President Trump?


Ex-FBI attorney to plead guilty in first #Obamagate #Spygate criminal case


Kevin Crimesmith, (as I have been referring to him),was already working for Mueller when he forged that email. To me that seems relevant. Shouldn't this invalidate everything Mueller did? It's almost like his team fabricated evidence.


Mueller fabricated evidence.

Would that also cascade into any branches off of that investigation?

Manafort, FLynn, Stone. everyone who was targeted by Mueller.


Durham Target Kevin Clinesmith Wasn’t Working for Who You Think When He Forged That Email to Spy on Carter Page Posted at 9:00 pm on August 14, 2020 by Michael Thau

''You see, Clinesmith wasn’t working for James Comey on June 19, 2017, the date he altered that CIA email inconveniently identifying Trump’s onetime foreign policy advisor Carter Page as a trusted source.

By that point in time, Clinesmith was part of Robert Mueller’s Independent Counsel investigation.

And it was Mueller’s crew who made use of the renewed FISA warrant to spy on Page that Clinesmith’s willingness to commit forgery had enabled.

On the recommendation of acting Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, Trump had fired Comey on May 9, 2017.

As a consequence, Comey’s second-in-command, Andrew McCabe automatically took over as acting FBI Director till June 7, when Trump appointed Christopher Wray. (Wray was interim director until his Senate confirmation on July 20.)

One of the strangest things about congressional Republicans’ reaction to the many abuses of power perpetrated against Donald Trump, his associates, his campaign, and his presidency is the difference between the way they seem to view Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller’s probe.

Everyone in the GOP establishment seems to more or less accept that the FBI investigation was completely corrupt and that Comey and all his underlings committed serious crimes and ought to be punished.

Yet Mueller’s probe, which was merely the new, more powerful, identity that Crossfire Hurricane took on after it faked its own death, isn’t treated with the same skepticism.''


Some other relevant articles from that site that I'm trying to understand also:


On 8/17/16, the CIA informed the Crossfire Hurricane team that Carter Page had been a CIA source.

They hid this fact from the FISA Court.

Kevin Clinesmith. Court documents on Friday indicated Clinesmith, a former FBI attorney, intends to plead guilty to altering an email from the CIA, which investigators used to seek a wiretap on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Kevin Clinesmith was not a big player in Crossfire Hurricane.

*He worked with Strzok to arrange sending an FBI agent into Trump-Flynn briefing.

*He was on the Mueller team

*He took part in Papadopoulos interviews

*He was part of FISA process.


Two weeks later, when a colleague asked Clinesmith about whether he was rethinking his commitment to serving in the Trump administration, Clinesmith replied "Hell no" and added "Viva le resistance."


Clinesmith Charging Documents: FBI Withheld Page's CIA Work From FISA Court, Then Lied About It


in the first criminal case coming from Durham's investigation. This relates to Clinesmith allegedly altering a CIA email to make it state that

Carter Page was "not a source" for the CIA as the FBI sought renewed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court permission to wiretap the former


"Clinesmith's guilty plea is the beginningof the end of the NeverTrump and Resistance delusion that there was no spying, no criminal leaking, and no fabrication of evidence in the service of overturning 2016's election results."


Clinesmith, a 37-year-old graduate of Georgetown Law, "took an email from an official at another federal agency that contained several factual assertions, then added material to the bottom that looked like another assertion from the email's author, when it was instead his own understanding," according to the report.


The individual (or individuals) was soon identified as Kevin Clinesmith who worked with his reported lover Sally Moyer for the current Intelligence Community (IC) Inspector General (IG), Michael Atkinson.


REWIND: "FBI Attorney 2" Kevin Clinesmith was among 5 FBI agents DOJ IG Horowitz referred for investigation for sending pro-Clinton, anti-Trump political messages over FBI phones and computers. Clinesmith worked C.I. cases under Strzok, including Crossfire Hurricane/Carter Page


While on loan to Mueller Special Counsel, disgraced ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith falsified evidence to fraudulently procure warrant enabling spying on Trump.





While on loan to Mueller Special Counsel, disgraced ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith falsified evidence to fraudulently procure a warrant enabling spying on Trump.


Clinesmith altered an email from an CIA lawyer. The original email said Carter Page WAS a CIA informant. After Clinesmith's fraudulent alteration, the email said Page was NOT CIA-affiliated.


→ Carter Page was in fact a spy planted in the Trump campaign.

→ FISA-authorized spying on Page enabled spying on Trump, via the 3-hop rule.

→ If Page talked to Person 2, and Person 2 talked to Donald Trump, then the FISA warrant allowed capture of both Person 2's and Trump's comms (3-hop rule).



Gotta spell his name right



Yeah the moar I keep meming it and reading people's headlines and searching for sauces etc., the more different ways to explain it pop up. Free association = free energy, kek. @babyfist started it with a good tweet yesterday. He must be shadowbanned. There should be hundreds of RTs and likes.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 19, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.4754   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Have noticed that 8kun selects a frame from somewhere in the MIDDLE of the video to put up as the still. This is rather strange. but nothing we can do about it unless we can figure out the criteria Ron's code is using.


Other topics for 1-2 minute transition vids:

Declaration of Independence

Gettysburg Address

MLK's I have a Dream speech

the Golden Spike connecting the railroads

Inauguration of DJT

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 19, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.4759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4760


Not seeking atta boys, just honest feedback.

Can /abcu/ use these or not?

Should anon pursue video making or not?

Is the content OK but higher rez needed?

Is the open-source music OK or not?

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 20, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.4777   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One more new one, 22 seconds intro for A Closer Look (yesterday's news today).

The anonymous composer has given permission for the music.

Uploading, should be there within a minute.


Can do changes as requested.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 20, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.4781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783


Brainstorm requested


>########Talking Points########

>Political show that show each sides talking points then the real issue.

> BLM vs ALM

> - Racism is something that only exist because we perpetuate the stereotype and TALK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME.

> - Most people are not bad or racist. SOME ARE!

> Global Warming Vs. Nature

> - 98% do not agree. This Stat is not factual and misrepresented.

> No Wall vs Wall

> - Protect your boarders or REMOVE "SAFETY NETS"

> Vaccine vs Herd Immunity

> - Covid 19 how serious is it? Will there be a next seasons? is it the new FLU?

> Vote by Mail Vs Traditional Voting

> ETC…

>DEM vs REP Views then the FACTS.


Brainstorm video intro for Talking Points show.

Visual concept: controversy

Two sides of an issue

Punch & Judy? (puppet show fighting each other)

But not depicted as left vs. right, or light vs. dark, or red vs. blue.


Somebody throw out a few ideas here

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 20, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.4782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783 >>4785


Brainstorm on visuals for intro clip

>########ABCU|8 ROUND TABLE########

>If possible have a "Debate" among "Users" with differing views.

> 1. Real Debates

> a. Political Candidates

> b. /abcu/ staff, guests, frens

> 2. Open Discussions

> a. Meet The Press, RoundTable Discussions


We have these still images.

We also have lots of Pepe characters that can be combined in various settings.


Right now they all say QNN, but images are meant to be edited.

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 20, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.4791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4793 >>4794


Talking Points intro clip on Mega. Video is free stock footage. Composer anon granted permission to use music track.


Do you want the other intros redone without Pepe?

Truth Seeker ID: 7de80e Aug. 21, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.4809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4810

1 min.vid

This program sponsored by the Pledge of Allegiance

with Miss Tracy and

America the Beautiful


A real tear-jerker for some, with the music added to Miss Tracy showing her preschool students how to recite the pledge.