They were told the device could be used in different ways.
They could, for example, put a photo of a sick relative in a little well on the machine, and thereby direct healing energy to that person. (They were told that it is illegal to advertise using the machine for this purpose. The FDA regulates healing claims, devices, and methodologies stringently.)
A farmer could put a photo of one acre that was infested with insect pests, and treat the entire field radionically, eliminating the pests – from that acre alone.
And what was the purpose of the touchpad, they asked?
The host demonstrated using the device to perform queries.
He stated out loud a question that had a definite yes or no answer. For example, was Abraham Lincoln born in the month of January?
Then he placed his fingers on the touchpad. Stroking the pad, he attempted to discern changes in the roughness or tackiness of the pad. Crazy, huh? He answered with the correct birth month. They asked several other questions and correct answers were rapidly forthcoming.
Their hearts started pounding faster.
How could this technology possibly exist?
And hardly anyone knows about it?
If it was real, it was tantalizing to think of the possibilities for good.
And the potential danger, if it got into the wrong hands.
But it couldn't possibly be real.
Was the machine key? or the operator? or was it a stupid hoax?
They sat down in front of the machine to try it for themselves.