What do you think about a piece on What Is 8Kun and what is QResearch?
Basically lay it out as a free speech board that is (one of) the last place(s) online where people can communicate freely. A group of curious, independent, anonymous thinkers created boards to discuss politics which caught the eye of insiders ultimately leading to /qr/.
With insider guidance, research was done and dots connected. The people frequenting the boards expanded to include attackers of the worst kind. To the untrained eye, it's difficult to identify the original loyal researchers from the attackers whose goal is to suppress the truth using tactics such as gore porn, cp, etc. which is immediately removed. Who would interject themselves with such horrible material on a board for researchers?
Most coverage I've seen so far like the NPR crap answers Who is QAnon? and then they smear us with shill bullshit and misinformation. It might help if we explain the board origin and anon composition (good guys mixed in with bad guys). Nonetheless, the pure Q posts remain unpolluted. Similar to Assange's approach to maintaining the integrity of the wikileaks dataset – the original data is unedited and carefully protected.
We want to place the Q material within the appropriate context so we're not defending crazy unforgivable content that is meant to distract and discredit.
This could be a great follow-on to the Silicon Valley article. Where were people forced to exchange ideas?