Since the image database idea failed, have simply been reviewing older memes, IDing best, and dragging into folder. GIFs ensue.
last one today
>I periodically see spraying as well, but it's about 15% of what it once was.
Same here. Very often, seeing normal puffy cumulus clouds etc. in clear blue skies like the sky used to be in my childhood.
>>4581 Agree.
Warroom anons are doing significant things to help the movement and they deserve our support. They are very dedicated and focused on spreading influence via social media.
>>4582 I keep the warroom bread open in case they need anything we can supply. Sort of a liaison function.
Hi everybody. How are frens doing today?
So, almost done with ShadowNet doc. 15 more mins to go.
I perceive that influence ops have been done personally on me, over the course of the Q op. At least two specific areas. Where they tried to engage specific parts of my background in order to get me to take up a certain theory they were promoting, and hope to make me promote their theory.
Every time Q offered a Q&A session
I always asked the same question.
(and never got it answered):
I did not know how bad it was, but
could not see any technological way
to retrieve the privacy of our personal
information once it's been stolen and
once the tools exist to eavesdrop,
hack, monitor, etc.
Q never answered.
Because that question is CENTRAL still,
and highlighted by Shadownet doc.
I'm watching the livestream streaming test
I'm watching it thru Twitter. Will try another site?
I don't know how to locate your stream on other platforms
Looks higher rez on Periscope
It look fine
Any better to read ? No
My monitor 1980 x 1020
Fuck I"m dyslexic. 1920 x 1080
200% zoom can read headline only, no body text
OK checking out for a while
>I am going to ask for some Gifs over the next few days.
Good, ask away!
>can you do audio in a Gif?
The GIF file format does not include audio.
Web search indicates there are ways to pair audio with a GIF (an iframe with a GIF + HTML5 audio?, or dropping a GIF onto an MP4 editor timeline).
If we want sound, MP4 is probably the better choice.
I need to find and quickly master some video editing tools for my platform. If I pick a fight with a computer I always win, but sometimes it takes quite a bit of effort, kek.
We hear that Apple devices don't play MP4 (probably Apple declined to license the IP for the CODEC and wanted to push their own Quicktime technology instead, a stupid move IMO limiting their market and hurting their users.) The H.264 series of multimedia standards which includes MP4 has been around almost 20 years now. You'd think Apple would cave on a standard that has become ubiquitous on the web.
Was thinking of making a "Q Anon FAQ" using the memes/text an anon compiled here
* Q Basics Q&A
Answers to your first questions about QAnon
Meme Folder:
Last updated: 09-Aug-2020
Number of Images: 40
Size: 12M
A lot of them are pretty good. Simple clear answers to the basic questions.
QUESTION: Should I make that thread here on abcu or on warroom? Warroom anons are open to it but I didnt do it over there yet. Where would it have more traction and viewers who need that basic info?
Yeah those 2 images were found going through older memes for my 4-star and 5-star meme collection. It's slow work because as memefarmer I sort of trained myself not to show favoritism about memes, but I do have judgments about them and had to activate that module in muh brian sort of mentally grading them for
-Is it a good message
-Is it an enduring message not something that expired last year
-Visual presentation has to be attractive and top-notch to make it into 4 and 5 star category.
-If it makes 2 anons kek uncontrollably it gets a high grade regardless of other traits
I am a warroom anon.
And an abcu anon.
I am one of the liaisons that keeps these two activities informed of one another.
I am a BV for both boards which allows me to create a nice FAQ by making a series of posts, then edit the OP with links to all the posts.
No, I'm going to do it one time, either there or here, but not in both places.
My graphic. If babyfist wants it modified I can probably make higher resolution version. Made it for twitter i.e. 1200 px wide.
i'm not gonna be up long
I had a fight with gimp. It's great for still images, but unsatisfactory for animation. Inadequate control over fades, transitions, durations. Am wading into more sophisticated video editor. Should be able to create GIFs of modest filesize from video.
>what do you have in 5-10 years?
Neurotic mixed-up young people who are terrified of thinking outside the box or trying anything that isn't a rigidly controlled environment. Compliant to authorities. Hypochondriac. Socially retarded and maybe mentally retarded too b/c lack of sensory experiences and interactions.
I predict: A generation raised this way will be unable to function sexually. They may figure out how to self-stimulate, but touching another human will be so repugnant to their conditioning that they will be unable to reproduce.
Genocide of an entire generation?
This is really, really disturbing.
Very ambitious. But not the slightest doubt that WE can pull it off.
Status report:
I'm developing some video capabilities. Worked on this damn thing all day and now I need to experiment outputting it in different formats to decide what's best. Openshot for Linux, very capable app, way too many options, kek.
Free images:
IDK, but in Google images which I never use anymore there's a pulldown for "Usage Rights" pic 1.
What kind of images do you want? TV studio backgrounds? (there are lots of those online) e.g. Pic 2. Would have to check on rights for each source.
Wikimedia commons images?
Memefags spend hours perusing images and can probably help if you say specific ideas of what's needed.
Where to get free public domain music
Many of the works have public domain performances that you can use.
For example Sousa's El Capitan March played by the Marine Band.
Accessed from this page
>- Show Content
> - Intro Clips
> - Outro Clips
> - Transitions
> - and much more.
OK for the Intro Clips, vid creators will need
The name of the program
Desired clip duration
With music or not
For transition, how about "Now a Word from our Sponsor" and the sponsor is the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, the Flag, or one of our great public buildings or monuments?
Just brainstorming.
What do anons envison for a transitional video clip? Again, what duration?
Or for a transition, Great Moments in American History.
Short video 1-2 minutes.
Teaching people one thing they don't know about history.
Washing Crossing the Delaware.
Common Sense by Thomas Paine.
Gettysburg Address.
Hawaii becomes a state
Creation of the Space Force
Etc etc.
Those would be fun to produce, and factual, and educational.
This is fantastic. That should be enough info for creators to start drafting intro/outtro video content.
Right now I'm making a short (1-2 min.) video in the Great Moments in American History transitions series.
Creation of the Space Force.
Need step thru a couple of these to find out how much work it is and whether the result can be effective. Still learning skills and trying things.
> Will work on getting these from paper to machine.
or just photograph your notes if it's faster, if you wish.
Something went wrong. The file is not there. I will upload it again & notify when ready.
United We Stand v2 will also be uploaded.
>My thoughts are that I would like to use "serious" show intros, logos, and Titles while keeping Pepes to transition, outros and pop ups.
Roger, agree.
Working on Fake News Alert intro clip.
Other vidfags are welcome to offer clips too!
Fake News Alert draft intro clip on Mega.
Composer anon granted permission for audio.
Went in a different direction with this one. See what you think.
Gettysburg Address vid 1:45 Mega 66MB
US Army Band public domain music
Voice audio
>Sure, That would be nice.
OK, stacking it on the queue.
Maybe you can still use some of these for outtros?
Feedback from others is HIGHLY DESIRABLE, thank you for asking them.
>update the font on "30 minutes"
Yeah. It was the closest I could find to the 60 Min TV font with a quick search, and it isn't that close. The 3 was bothering me too. Glad you mentioned it. Generally there's a font for everything if you look hard enough.
>I just keep thinking about "ABCU|8 made possible by our fore fathers" Roll clip…
Yeah me too, kek.
Needs more brainstorming input since nothing has popped out from the back burner yet.
What appeared instead was looking at "Our American Values" this morning for ideas.
It's VERY basic. We don't know who our audience is but I assume some of them will be totally ignorant of basic civics and need a primer.
just a sketch, no idea if I will pursue this or make it low priority and never get around to it * * *
Our American Values
Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance
Equality of Opportunity and Competition
The American Dream and Hard Work
Together, these values form the fabric of our American society.
Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance
We value individual freedom … the right to control our own destiny, without interference from government, ruling class, church, or any other organized authority.
The price of freedom is self-reliance … We should not rely too heavily on the support of family, government or any organization, or we may lose some of our freedom.
Equality of Opportunity and Competition
America offers equal opportunity to all.
The price of opportunity is competition.
If everyone has an equal chance to succeed, then we must compete.
The American Dream and Hard Work
We all long for a better life and higher standard of living.
The price is hard work.
We seek a better life for all Americans.
We yearn for streets without bullets
schools that prepare our children for success
laws that protect our people, and
a government that serves its citizens.
>I just keep thinking about "ABCU|8 made possible by our fore fathers" Roll clip…
Yeah so this should be promoted to high priority.
>No was just sharing.
I like that Exposing Fake News image a lot.
>I really like this gif you made.
Thanks. It works really well on Twitter.
Quite honestly, can't tell what I will do next. Just making a list of corrections needed & should probably tackle that first.
Next short vid available.
Bill of Rights, 3 min.
Viewed several vids online and found one made by the US Courts in 2010. Video format is lower resolution NTSC.
Bookended with a ABCU slide crediting the youtube link. I can't imagine there would be any trouble using this vid with credit to the source.
We could maybe whip something up but this is better. 4 lawyers talking about what the Bill of Rights means to them personally. Racially mixed WM, WF, AM and BM.
Is there anything we can help you with, or just keep on churning out short vids?
>Can the clock just do 1 full rotation or get larger as it ticks towards the screen?
Yes of course.
>Can I get those transparent where the White is? Not in the flag or stars. maybe a bolder font so if.
>I like that image. Can i get #2 image it without text too just the ABCU|8 Logo?
I think this is what you want. High rez.
>Can the clock just do 1 full rotation or get larger as it ticks towards the screen?
Did the clock update, check it out.
New bread
Welcome #5 over here > → >>4768