Truth Seeker ID: 2bb993 July 22, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.3184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe you hit the nail on the head with this one. I grew up in Texas, where talent is in the water! So many have fallen into the 27 club , blinded by the false claims of fame. In the same token, I know a lot that chose to steer clear of labels, producers, or the word performer. They play in backyard Crawfish boils, shit hole dives, or at fund raising rallies. They play for THEM, and for the ones they LOVE. I am in this category. Some of the most awesome artists you will never hear their name, or will never be played on the radio. But when word of mouth starts, and they hear Tony is playing at Mr. Giggles.. the place packs out. Because he has HEART.. and He uses his tips to feed the rescued animals at his shelter. He is a Veterinarian, and music is just a gift he shares with his frens . there are thousands more like him in the same area, and it is better than any radio. I have been offered contracts, labels, but turned them all down. My light reaches who it is supposed to reach.. My music is Real in every sense of the word. and I am blessed to know not to fall into that trap . The Best Example is my cousin Tony.. he plays upside down and backwards, left handed. He can walk up to you playing rhythm on a guitar, and play the lead for it WITH you on your guitar as you play. he is the only person I have seen that can do this. True talent, Real Heart= Peace. It won't let me upload a video, and I won't dox him.. but when i read your post, I thought of Him, He is one of a kind, and the corrupt music business has robbed the world of hearing this talent.