This post was about so-called "gay bath houses" reopening in San Francisco.
Moving on to a more abstract point:
[They] weaponize language against us.
[They] decide what words and phrases are acceptable, and which ones must be banned.
Language has power.
We need to regain that power by seizing the initiative.
Use words that are bluntly accurate.
Don't kow-tow to the left by adopting their weaponized vocabulary.
By trial and error, discover exactly how far we can push the use of truthful vocabulary, and push that "politically correct" line (the line that will result in bans and censorship by the social media and MSM) further toward the right.
The goal is to eradicate political correctness.
The word are still there.
They are still in the dictionary too.
Language is a mutable entity. It changes over time, with usage.
The goal of this op is to resurrect word usage as it existed before "political correctness".
Oldfags are our treasure in this op. Because we remember the language as it used to be, before the current generation of language weaponization against us.
We need to study and use the same tricks that are used in the science of marketing, to create word associations with imagery and synonyms.
Thoughts, anons?
We can do this through memes and written works.
Don't waive your right to use your own language in any way you choose.
Self-expression is a God-given right enshrined in the First Amendment.